
Thought for the day... What do you think of it? I think it is excellent?

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Every day i ask myself this question,If today where the last day of my life, would i want to do what i am about to do today?

And whenever the answer has been " NO " for too many days in a row, I know i need to change something.




  1. Exactly  Live for today ~~~tomorrow may never come !!!!! the kids will not remember if the beds were made or dishes were done but they will remember going to the movies  & park with you !!!!

  2. I have to agree with you , one smart cookie you !

  3. Good thought for the day...I think I must steal it and apply it!

  4. that is by far one of the most amazing thoughts i've heard of... i think i'm going to try to live my life by using this quotes, but to some extent... this quote will help me realise taht everyday i need to live my life to the fullest!

  5. Hi Jackie that is brillant and so true Hugs

  6. Hmm.. I don't really agree with your view.

    For instance, the past few days I have been slogging for my Law entrance. But I wouldn't want to be studying on the last day of my life. Then again, I am really relieved that I did work hard for the entrance test and I wouldn't change that fact for the world.

    Got my point?

    BTW, your quote is cute. I would refer to that one when I'm leading a very normal, average life.

  7. I like it!!!

    But if it was a monday for example, and I had to go to school, the answer will always be no!!!!:D:D

    I think I'll just store in my brain till I'm older!!!!


  8. That is extremely thought provoking.

  9. very nice,id have to change wot im doing for my last day. :)xxo

  10. God, give me the courage to change things that i can change & accept things that I can't, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two.

  11. Thanks. You are very wise.  Somedays we find ourselves on a treadmill.  It is a good idea to stop and take stock. ;-)

  12. i like that one it brings self challenge

  13. We Are always working Toward Greater Goals & Greater Rewards....!!

  14. Its pretty good. It makes you think

  15. I am not agree with your first line,we must live to so that I am going to enjoy my day today again,way to think of death,when I wake up and open my window and look out side and look on weather and think how to spend my day today and I start my day with my morning walk and go on like this rest of the day,and end my day with next days planing,and enjoy my two drinks before sleep and feel like king of the day.

    What you think I am doing right or wrong ???????

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