
Thought i was pregnant, (i still do think i am) ?

by  |  earlier

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i had to take some wee in a bottle to the hosp and send it off today for a test,

i also brought a cheap 89p test while out

to check if i was myself, and it came out negative i also did tests back in may when i thought i was pregnant, it still said negative then aswell! i had unprotected s*x twice in may, it was a mistake the lad i slept with turns out he was a virgin who just wanted quick s*x and now look where i am, atleast i know he was a virgin so that means no std right? Well i think i am pregnant, i have been gettin signs of pregnancy now, and turns out people can get false test rsults. but i am unsure if i am pregnant or not. i am trying not to worry to much atm, but i am off out for my mates 18th soon and we are ment to be off clubbing if i am pregnant i cannot drink so not to hurt the"baby" please advise on what to do now.




  1. If you're worried, go to your doctor or a local clinic or something and have them ultrasound you. If this happened in May an ultrasound will show if you are pregnant, you'd be far enough along.

    If you're concerned, it can't hurt you not to drink tonight, so I'd just decline  until you can get in to see a doctor. Better safe than sorry.

    Also, virgins can be infected with STDs. HIV and Hepatitis B can come from drug use, surgery or blood transfusions or if his mother was infected; if he's ever had oral s*x or been naked with another person and touched down there he could have all kinds of skin STDs; some can even come from someone changing his diaper as a baby. If you don't know for sure than he had a recent STD test that was clear and you didn't use protection, you COULD be infected and you definitely should get a full STD test just to be absolutely certain.  

  2. Why don't you go to the doctor's? You may NOT be pregnant but getting signs because you are psyching yourself out and getting all stressed.

    The only way to be sure is have a doctor test you....then you can rest easy.

  3. Simple - home tests are not 100% accurate - if you have even a slight suspicion that you are pregnant - DON'T DRINK!  Until you get the hospital results back, behave like you are pregnant.  Really not that hard.  Good Luck!

  4. What signs are you having?

    Yes false negatives are possible. I would go see a doctor if you are still getting negatives since May.

    Yes you shouldn't have a STD if he is truly a virgin. I have had a lot of guys tell me that they were a virgin and come to find out weren't. So you might want to get tested for an STD anyways.

    Good Luck Hun

  5. the only thing you can do is do NOT drink until you know for sure!!  Ask the doctor to do a blood test, and if that is negative and you still feel you are ask for an internal ultra sounds.  That way they can see the fetus and heart beat if you are and if you aren't maybe it's something else like a cyst that they'll be able to see with it too.  Best of luck..... can get STD's from a virgin, they can get them from oral, or "dry humping".  Could be signs of an STD too some of the signs are the same.

  6. If it was in may, you would probably start to show by now.

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