I think about overdosing whenever I see a pill bottle or some type of medicine. I've considering doing it when my parents are out and my sister is elsewhere, because I'm curious to see what would happen if I chugged a bottle of Children's Motrin, took over two Ibuprofens or took three of my pills for my acne or whatever, but I never do it.
Right now my parents are building a porch on our house and it's about ten feets off the ground and has no railing on it - I wonder what it'd be like to jump off it. Sometimes I think about running away and how great it'd be just to think about getting to the next town, or laying in a field full of grass and looking at the sky, not worrying about trivial things.
My family life is good - I know my parents love me and they treat me really well - it's just like I feel I'm alone when I'm not, and it just depresses me so much. I know if I did something to myself or ran away, I'd crush them.. but I still wonder.
So why do I have these thoughts? Is there any reason at all? Thanks guys.