
Thoughts about overdosing...?

by  |  earlier

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I think about overdosing whenever I see a pill bottle or some type of medicine. I've considering doing it when my parents are out and my sister is elsewhere, because I'm curious to see what would happen if I chugged a bottle of Children's Motrin, took over two Ibuprofens or took three of my pills for my acne or whatever, but I never do it.

Right now my parents are building a porch on our house and it's about ten feets off the ground and has no railing on it - I wonder what it'd be like to jump off it. Sometimes I think about running away and how great it'd be just to think about getting to the next town, or laying in a field full of grass and looking at the sky, not worrying about trivial things.

My family life is good - I know my parents love me and they treat me really well - it's just like I feel I'm alone when I'm not, and it just depresses me so much. I know if I did something to myself or ran away, I'd crush them.. but I still wonder.

So why do I have these thoughts? Is there any reason at all? Thanks guys.




  1. You sound like you need to get to a psychiartrist for evaluation and treatment.  You do not have to feel this way.  If you take too much ibuprofen your stomach can bleed.  If you take too much tylenol it will harm your liver and it will be a very slow death.  Don't mess around with medications.

    Call a suicide hotline or get to an ER if you are really thinking of doing this.  They can help you.

  2. Taking too much medicine can KILL YOU. Think about your family before doing something that can take you away forever.Maybe your going through something right now that will pass with time i dont know but you might want to talk to a professional.

  3. It's normal to wonder about all sorts of "what if" scenarios.  When I was younger I used to drive myself crazy wondering "what if"....  I finally came to the realization that I was wasting alot of time and energy on situations that would never come to be.  Through meditation and relaxation/breathing exercises, I was able to clear my mind of wandering thoughts.  It does seem that you think of harming yourself alot.  If this continues you may want to tell your parents and/or seek counseling.  GOOD LUCK!

  4. Well it could be depression it doesn't really matter if you have a good family life people who have good family lives can still be depressed.  It is a chemical imbalance in which we can't control.  Do not listen to those thoughts instead get help.  Talk to your parents about seeing a therapist who will help you in controlling these thoughts, they will possibly put you on anti-depressants.

  5. First of all, it could be depression, but it doesn't sound that serious (unless you are actually considering suicide), because everyone fantasizes about running away and freedom and all, and second of all, the overdoses you are talking about are not overdoses- three of your acne med pills or more than 2 ibuprofins?  I take three ibuprofins every three hours by recommendation of my doctor when I have cramps- that isn't an overdose.  And if you don't actually feel like killing yourself because you can't stand living anymore, then that's also fairly normal, to wonder what it would be like to take an overdose.  I feel like this wasn't very helpful, and I'm sorry if it wasn't.

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