
Thoughts of a 16 year old driving....?

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a 2005 used chrysler 300. What do u think is that a good first car? that his dream car.




  1. If the parents are satisfied that the boy demonstrates the knowledge of the rules of the road, can maintain control of himself and the vehicle while with friends and understands fully that both he and his parents are responsible (until he is18) for whatever happens while he is behind the wheel, then it is a chance that might be given to the lad.

    It doesn't really make too much difference what make and model vehicle a youngster starts out with.  Any vehicle is capable of ruining his and his parents lives in the blink of an eye.

    All the best.

  2. No teach him something about saving the environment with a car that gets gas mileage and runs economically let him work for his dream car if he wants a gas guzzler. Let him start with a KIA or something like that. He might as well learn the energy problem is here to stay and so is global warming. Teach him to do his part.

  3. A very safe car and that is what you want ....especially at age 16. Make them contribute toward the expenses as well...have them pay a certain amount for the that had to pay for their car were more responsible with the car...


  4. Its a good choice, large and safe, just do your part and drive that way...

  5. I think that's a good choice for a lucky guy!!  but you should cut a deal.  He gets it, but if he messes it up, its a 1998 Ford Escort until he can buy his own!

    Which, by the way, was my first car....minus 5 years!

  6. Its a NICE first car if theyre a responsible kid. If not make sure yuh get a car with high gas mileage. Its like death everytime we go to the gas station haha

  7. I mean, my first car was a 99...and I just bought my OWN car and it's only an 04, and I'm just 19.

    Starting out with an 05 is amazing! Used or new, both of my cars have been used but kept in great shape.

    Just hope he's responsible enough, and be sure he keeps it clean! It will keep the value up and it'll teach him a huge lesson in responsibility.

    I think it'll be a great car, as long as he's prepared to take good care of it!

  8. be prepared to pay HIGH insurance on it.

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