
Thoughts on Glamerella?

by Guest58466  |  earlier

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Am I the only one who liked this move? Beth Pheonix definitly deserves a title around her waist...Santino not so much. Don't get me wrong. I loooove Mickie James, I mean I really do o_0. And Kofi is highly talented and I do agree his title run was a bit short. But Santino is one of the best mics the WWE has, and Beth is the glamazon. 'nuf said.

Where do you think this storyline goes and for how long? I think both of them hold onto the titles for a very long time. Beth will protect Santino's IC and Santino will try to do the same. I see potentially Santino costing Beth the title somehow and then an "adamle original" match, Beth vs. santino for the IC. Oh yeah




  1. I can picture this storyline going on for a long time. I think Santino is really funny, I don't like Beth Phoenix as a person or wrestler too much, but I like them together. I do believe that Kofi Kingston hasen't been around long enough to be a long reining champion, but Beth has the potential.

  2. I hope they both lose the belts I don,t like them one bit I hope they have a short rein

  3. That is actually a very good idea.

    I am starring...


  4. I absolutely love Glamerella.

    I even like seeing Santino with a belt because it means we get to see him more often on Raw and he's hilarious. If WWE allowed him to actually wrestle, he'd no doubt have a title because he's actually quite talented.

    I love Mickie and I love Kofi, but I like seeing Beth and Santino having the titles better.

    I don't know where I see the storyline going. People are speculating that Candice Michelle will come back to take the title and oh my lanta I hope that's not true. I can't stand her in all honesty. I think Beth will probably interfere on Santino's title matches and protect him. I see them ending the storyline by exactly what you said, lol. Santino somehow costing Beth her title and ...well, she destroys him.

    Nice quesiton :)

  5. That is actually a very good idea. I like it too.  Seems very possible. It would have been fun toi see Matt Hardy win.  

  6. Glamarella/Bethtino are awesome together. They're one of the best parts of the WWE. Beth is a tremendous wrestler and what Santino has been lacking in the ring he MORE than makes up for in absolute hilarity.

    Personally, I'm still hoping for the twist where Santino actually won the women's title and Beth actually won the IC Title, but if that doesn't happen, I'd like to see Beth become a very strong women's champion while Santino becomes the hilariously bad IC champion who needs Beth's help to retain the gold. I think they'll hold it for about two-three months before at least one of them will lose the belts.

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