
Thoughts on a sick toddler?

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My 2 year old, has a 100.4 fever since yesterday, is having a hard time breathing, is coughing a lot, but i have seen her struggle to cough as well...does any one know if this can be signs of asthma? or just a really sore throat? I called her doctor and they told me that I can bring her in tomorrow but that it's too hard to tell what it could be. I just want to rule out any possiblities if possible. I have given her tynelol for the fever and since she is not eating or drinking much, i got pedialyte...been giving her cool baths with a soothing vicks baby wash...any other suggestions? i hate seeing her so miserable!!!




  1. If it were asthma, she would be wheezing. Is she wheezing?

    With asthma, her chest would be rattling, because the pipes are all narrowed and it's as though the air is being really forced and squeezed in and out.

    Really watch that fever. It's probably an upper respiratory infection. If you find you are not able to keep her fever down, don't wait until tomorrow.

    Bless her!! I hope she feels better soon.

  2. Go into the bathroom and run the shower as hot as you can.  Sit near the opening of the shower with your daughter and let her breath in the steam.  It may help. It could be bronchitis.  Does she wheeze or whistle when she breathes (when she isn't sick).  Also, try giving her a teaspoon of honey...I have read that it can help with sore throats and coughs.  Check out this website:

  3. Breathing is worse when fever is higher try sitting in a bath room with cold water running in shower.  I hear all the time from the DR they don't NEED to see child until fever is 103. (I always call and lie to get in) Color of phlegm is impt. Thick yellowish could be a new infection. That is normal cause of deep cough and slight fever.

    As for asthma you would see chest heaving and croupy coughs with out fever almost all the time. Not just for a week once or twice a year.

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