
Thoughts on the L drivers (on 2nd Provisional) situation in Ireland?

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Have you been affected by the new law that came into place on the 1st of july 08? A Learner driver on their 2nd licence Must be accompanied by a Full licenced Driver of 2 years. Thanks!!




  1. hi you

    i know for a fact the they 125 people in one check point in one part of the north side of cork city on the 1st-July-2008, and going on cork city local radio station 96FM there is a lot driving around still, but what i cant make out about all the fuss on this issue is that a driver of a motor bike that has only a provisional licenced let it be his first or second cant have a full driver on the back of his bike or any passenger for that matter for to do so means they would be driving without insurances which is also against the law

  2. I failed 1 test already and I had applied for two centres initially so I've to take two more coming up so I have to pass....I think its a crappy law to be honest, I don't think the gards are enforcing it 2 hard but they'll only take the car off you in an extreme situation!!

    ooh n unitl i do pass im gonna risk it, f*ck em!!

  3. it's about time they enforced this law. I hate the attitude that some people have that they feel they can drive without having sat, or after failing their driving test.

    I intend to get driving lessons soon, and, even if the law wasn't being enforced, I would never consider driving alone without a full licence

  4. I'm on my 3rd provisional and I'm waiting on a date for my test!  it effects the 3rd provisional license too!

    apparently 14 people were caught in Waterford during the week(might be higher now)

    Ive been driving 5 years, and the only time i have a full license driver with me would be unintentional(meaning,if one of my friends were in my car)...Its not practical to have someone with me every single time i get in my car.  I'm a safe driver - i can drive on my own and i will continue to do so until i get my full license

    I havent seen any checkpoints

  5. I have a full licence, so it won't be happening to me, but it might happen my younger sister.  In truth I have not seen one garda out checking for licence's as yet, but a few of the people I work with on provisional licenses have stopped driving into work.

    However, the whole system is a joke, surely the rule should apply for any provisional licence, not just the 2nd one.  Also, I don't think the people on provisional licences should be punished due to the ineptitude of the minister of transport.  I remember I waited a full year for my first test, which I failed of course, because - as my instructor informed me at the time, you need to have driven at least 10,000 miles before you can past a test here. I applied right away for a resit, waited another 15 months, (and clocked up my 10K) before passing the 2nd time.   I don't believe the waiting lists are down to 6 weeks yet, so this law is unfair. Having said all that I have cousin who has been driving for over 20 years, only ever sat 2 tests, both of which she failed, but she thinks shes the best driver out there!! So how come she's still getting insured?

  6. Yes I have. I need to drive to get a new job but I can't so I can't get a job. That means that I'm going to have to take out a big loan to pay for my college masters. I was booked in for a test in two weeks time but the car's NCT has expired and despite the wesite saying they send you your appointments they don't and as a result I can't get an NCT until August so I can't take my test.

    I failed a test in May having been told I would have it in April. I waited 6 months for that and then was given it the day before my final exams so I was unable to prepare and failed on my reverse despite only having one grade 1 fault. I wouldn't mind but I can reverse perfectly well I just don't feel comfortable reversing around a corner in a housing estate covered with kids when you're not meant to reverse around corners in the first place.

    The law did need to be changed but they only gave people enough time to take one test and only 50% pass first time. They should have left it until Jan 1st. It would have been less confusing and a lot fairer. I thought it was coming in on the 1st of June, then I heard 13th, someone else said 22nd. It wasn't anywhere online until about 2 days before hand.

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