
Thoughts on this poem

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Once had a problem, came up with a solution

Nothing much changed since then

Same problem lingers, following my every move

Binding me to the life that I didn't even get to chose

Twisting the direction I take

Falling forward as the path keeps winding

Hesitation kicks in every now and then

Leaving me with dizzy confusion

Comfortable disilluion, if only for a while

Fake this smile, shatters on the fround

No one noticed, no one cared

You tell me it's not fair to say that

But it's not fair to compare me to all I'm not

Something much greather than me

Greater than this world

Pressing into me, holding me back

Heart attack, massive

This heart can't take anymore

Passive persona

This voice needs to be heard

All I am, all I ever could be is misunderstood

Judging society can never see what I see

Reaching for a hand, never finding on in return

This flame will burn out

What once was an inkling of doubt consumes my being

Prejudice eyes, nevery seeing what truly lies inside

The flame inside us all

Only to be rejected

Reflect the truth

Twisted minds, twisted lies

Until there's nothing left

Nothing left of us at all

Something much greather than you

Greater than this world

Melting into me, chaining me down

Longing for this burden to leave me unbound

Stronger than steel

Stronger than I could ever feel

Emotion overturning

Overt behind closed doors

The hurt behind bleeding hearts

All I am versus all I'm not

But all I am

All I ever could be is misunderstood




  1. Misunderstandings

    These can occur in different ways

    which can cause trouble

    messages not heard clearly

    When someone is misunderstood

    bad things happen

    arguments, prejudice,

    dishonesy,strong emotions.

    Things are said that are not nice.

  2. Very Very good! I enjoyed this one sweetie
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