
Thoughts or recommendations regarding interviewing + photographing women in South America in aim of publishin?

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I will be traveling to South America next spring with a friend over the course of 3 to 4 months. However, we would not like to simply pass the time. I am a nurse and have a strong interest in the women's health and women's issues. I would love to interview and speak with women of all walks of life across the continent. Women who have made a difference in their communities, leaders, homemakers, prostitutes, anyone and everyone. My friend is a photographer and I think it would be brilliant to prepare and present something comprehensive following our trip, possibly publishing it (or attempting to), or simply presenting it to local communities in our home city. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions or things to keep in mind?




  1. I am so envious of you and your friend!!!

    South American countries have a rich history of feminism. This site gives you info about most South American countries and how feminism evolved. It might be a good place to start -

    I expect there would be many ppl interested in the documentation of women's health and women's issues in South America. You could also get a financial grant to help with costs, prior and separate to publishing if you can prepare a document highlighting what you plan to examine in your project. I know a few places in Australia that would be interested in this, but unfortunately, I don't have specific knowledge of how you could explore this further in the US. I wonder though, if PBS might be somewhere to start?

    It may be easier to plan and organise this kind of documentation if you can focus on one or two specific area's, such as women's access to health services, or the role of women in contemporary Chile, for example. I've been involved in several short film projects. One of them  documented community issues including the history of women's services, and the gentrification of an inner city community in which I live (in Australia). I know one of things we found difficult was deciding whether we wanted to produce something which covered many subject matters superficially, or one or two subject matters profoundly. We ended up opting for the superficial method, because we felt that we couldn't explore one area, without also examining several more - in order to exhibit the many facets of the issues in that community. There were certainly many positives to this, but as you can imagine, we were constantly reassessing where to draw the line!

    I wish you well with your project! Please keep us posted!

  2. it sounds like you have your plans pretty well laid out. Good Luck

  3. Yes - if you have any plans to publish your work, BE SURE you get signed model releases from anyone your friend photographs.  Not necessary if you're just speaking to groups and presenting a slideshow.  (Wish I could see your presentation.)

  4. I spent a year living and volunteering in India.  One thing that really bothered me is when foreigners would come in, spend a couple months volunteering, and then photograph all the kids before they left.  Some would even do this when they only came to volunteer for less than 1 week, and it made these childrens' "home" feel like a tourist attraction or a zoo.  So I would just say, be sure to get each person's permission before taking a photo.  Preferably, you'll have built some sort of relationship with them by the time you ask to take their photo.  It only makes sense that way.  Also, ask them if they want a copy of the picture; many of them, if they're interested in having their photo taken, will take you up on the offer to get a copy for themselves.

    I commend you for your plans, and I wish you a very enriching and productive trip!  You will gain so much from your experience there.

  5. i dont really have any suggestions, so im sorry for that. just wanted to say i think it is a great idea and would be really interesting to see.

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