
Thrash Fans: What Is Your Opinion On The New Wave Of Thrash?

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With newer bands like Merciless Death, Bonded By Blood, Municipal Waste, Dekapitator, Wabringer, Avenger of Blood, etc. it seems as though thrash is making a come back. What are your opinions on this? Do you like the new generation of thrash or do you prefer to just stick with the old stuff?

Personally, I do enjoy some of the newer bands such as Merciless Death, Municipal Waste, and Warbringer. I wasn't around in the 80's when the thrash scene was getting started so I am looking forward to following some of these newer thrash bands and seeing if they evolve into their own sound. As of right now I feel like a lot these newer bands really aren't coming up with anything original and some of them sound like almost exact copies of some of the originals (Avenger of Blood reminds me a lot of Kreator and Bonded By Blood of course reminds me a lot of Exodus). With that being said I am excited to see people in my generation creating new thrash and not just putting out the same metalcore songs over and over again. I don't know if these new bands will ever develop their own sound and put out solid thrash for years to come like a lot of the originals have been doing, but it is definitely exciting to see newer thrash bands emerge.




  1. As a big fan of old school thrash I still have the thirst for new blood. The world cannot just stand still and relive old days. Of course I still have my old collection of thrash if I ever want to relive the days of old but I still need to hear new exciting thrash to keep moving on. Great question by the way. BrianX

  2. I personally like the older stuff.  The newer stuff is okay, but it just can't beat the classics.

    I can't wait for some noob to come say "Yeah I like Slipknot and Disturbed"

  3. I think its all pretty good, I mean I am old school I grew up when I was in my teens with Vio-lence, Prong, Slayer, Sepultura, Kreator, Coroner, Death, Possessed, Annihilator, Sanctuary, Fates Warning, Watchtower, Testament, Viovod, Flots and Jetz, Sacred Reich, and my band Apparition at the time I just thought I would add that, and I got the privilege of opening for Fates Warning, and we did shows with Sacred Reich and I knew Wiley pretty well, yeah I did a few shows with them at a legendary bar here in Phoenix Arizona called The Masson Jar. anyway I am open to all new thrash its just that I am old school and listen to all the old thrash.

  4. Same all, same all they sound like they are trying to copy exactly the sound of the basic 4 , (you already know the names) , I rather to look further by now , I tried Municipal Waste and they sound like Slayer with the humor of Anthrax, nothing really new in fact

  5. some of them are good but only time will tell. i was around when thrash first started and the bands that started it, eg. venom, slayer, sepultura, are still around today. unfortunately the new generation of fans are different too. they are not as loyal and tend to be only "into" the bands they can find on youtube. back in the day it was all about the music, not how many hits your video gets or how good you look onstage. and bands and fans alike seem to have forgotten that, unfortunately.

  6. I'm glad thrash is getting revived!  I really like Municipal Waste.  I mostly stick with the older guys!

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