
Threading facial hair?

by Guest33445  |  earlier

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Ok I'm the daughter of a wolf man and have facial hair.

It isn't THAT bad, but my (very kind) mum has commented on my 'tash'!

My friend threaded my upper lip for me, and I am really pleased with the results. I know how to thread as she taught me, but my question is: Can I thread 'sideburns' in the same way?

Again, I don't think they are that noticeable, but it is better to get rid of them! Would I thread upwards towards the head hair or downwards towards the shoulder?





  1. You would thread upward toward the head, threading the sideburns hurts like crazy though because the hair is longer there and gets tangled in the thread...I usually just wax that area

  2. yes my mom gets hers done idk which direction though i think its upwards...

  3. it would be downways towards your shoulder and also make sure you do not take out any head hair.

    as once i went too far up lol

    ppl answer mine

  4. ♥  HeY ♥  

    You can thread your side burns if you like...but that might be a bit go grab a few bucks and go to the store girl ~_^ the "Veet Facial Wax (cold strips)" ...Use that for your side burns, under your chin, forehead.....well....your entire face works great and it last for about 4 weeks.....smooth face for life !!!!!

    ☆ Hope that helps ☆

    ☆ Good Luck ^__^ ☆

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