
Threat of Homelessness. Advice?

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My partner & I were supposed to sign a tenancy on a new house 6 weeks ago but the week we were to sign I was made redundant. I informed the landlord of the change of circumstances and in light of that he wouldn't take us on as tenants.

We'd already given up our previous home so had no choice but to stay with relatives until we found something else. We found three properties through estate agencies but failed the credit checks which were so expense they used up most of our deposit! Private landlords all seem to say no DSS (I have been searching for work like crazy and im awaiting the outcome of two interviews from last week).

Our relative told us last Friday we had to be gone by this Friday so even though i've trawled every evening paper and website i've found nothing in our price range. So with two days until we have to leave I dont know what else to do?

With my partner working and no children involved are we even entitled to any help?

Any advice would be fantastic. Thanks




  1. In six weeks you should have been able to find a job, even if it washing dishes.  Both of you should be working 7 days a week to get you out of the hole you are in.  Try another relative or friend and pay them rent while there.

    No agency will put you on list ahead of families with children.

    Two intelligent adults should be able to get out of this mess.

  2. This is a shocking situation to be in.

    unfortunately no government cares enough

    to see that there are a lot of people out there

    in these situation.

    Your best bet is to go to a church welfare group

    and ask for urgent help.

    the other thing is to get shared dwelling , were

    people are advertising for another or two other

    house mates!  go ask and you may get a room

    between you somewhere....until you guys get on

    your feet.   Also there are people who temporarily

    need house sitters so that is another avenue to

    buy you some time ....till you find something.

    Good luck and  i really hope you find something.

    i cannot be more help ...dont know what Town you

    are in.

  3. First, don't stop looking for a job even if you do loose your place to stay.  Second, I have been in this situation.  I do not know where you are living right now, what state and city, but I can definately help you if you want to contact me.  There are several places you can stay.  Homeless shelters require you to be in by a certain time and out by a certain time.  There are also hotels that are pretty cheap if you rent weekly.  If you have a car, keep all of your things, with the exception of a bag for weekly clothes, in the trunk.  If you wanna give me some more info on were you live and what price range you are in I can look up some more info for you.  You don't have to have children to qualify for assistence.  There is low income housing.  Usually a projects or something like that.  I need more info to help you.

  4. I feel really bad for you. I'm guessing there is absolutely no friends or anyone to help? Do you have a car? I know its horrible but if you do maybe you will have to spend a few nights in there.

    You might have to book in at a hotel, I don't know if you are given any aid on this, maybe some kind of hostel..

    Just copied this from a website:

    'Local authorities have a legal duty to provide help to certain people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. You will qualify for help if you are 'eligible for assistance', legally homeless or threatened with homelessness, in priority need and not intentionally homeless. The local authority may also investigate whether you have a local connection with the area.

    Local social services authorities also have responsibility for some homeless people. They have a duty to provide accommodation for children and young people over 16 who are leaving care, or who are in need for other reasons.

    Local authorities must not discriminate against you because of your race, s*x, disability, sexuality or religion in the help they provide. For example, if you don't understand English, the local authority must provide help and information in your own language.'

    You will be considered legally homeless if you have no accommodation which is available and reasonable for you and your household to live in. This includes accommodation in another country. You will also be homeless if you have accommodation but cannot get into it. For example, if you have somewhere to stay with friends or relatives but have been asked to leave, or you are at risk of violence in your home.'

    The local authority may refuse to accept responsibility if it thinks that you have no connection with the area where you are looking for help with housing. You would usually be expected to live, work or have family links to have a local connection. In this situation, you may be referred to an area where you do have a connection.'

    IIf the local authority needs time to carry out enquiries (and if it seems that you are homeless and in priority need), it must make sure you have somewhere to live while it investigates your situation.

    If you qualify as homeless, the local authority will have to help you. It does not have to provide accommodation from its own properties. It can house you in various ways, for example, by referring you to a housing association, or arranging accommodation with a private landlord.

    If the local authority decides that you are not homeless, it does not have any duties to arrange long-term accommodation for you. However, it will have some duties to help you, and must provide advice and assistance in finding accommodation, or provide a temporary place to stay while you find a permanent home.'

    Basically I don't know, but I would say that you are 'threatened with homelessness' which says their that they have to give you somewhere to stay. They say that while they look into it and work out if you are or not that they have to house you, so that might give you time..

    I would go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau to find out information that is correct to you.

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