
Threatened Miscarriage?

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I'm 13 weeks pregnant and last night I started having vaginal bleeding and cramping, not to terribly heavy, but it still scared the h**l out of me, so my husband took me to the E.R. My cervix is closed and the ultra-sound showed the baby is perfectly healthy, but they said it was a threatened miscarriage? And I'm on bed rest for two days and a miscarriage is possible still at this point. I'm waiting to go see my OBGYN to have it better explained, but for the time being I'm so scared because I don't know whats going on, what does this mean? If there isn't a miscarriage what caused that bleeding? Everything seems fine thing morning aside from very slight nothing cramping. Is there anything i can do? I'm so lost right now, anything would help




  1. Im no expert, but am seventeen weeks pregnant, and had some bleeding a few times in first trimester. It was usually after s*x, i think its just your body saying take it easy so im sure if you stick to your bed rest and really do look after yourself everything will be fine. good luck x

  2. id just relax as hard as that may be and try to get some rest.  dont stress too much because stress can cause miscarriage may be nothing! good luck hun!! i hope everything is ok!!

  3. I had the same thing happen to me when I was 12 weeks pregnant. I was told by the hospital staff that it's standard to call it a threatened miscarriage whenever you come into the hospital with bleeding and cramping that early in your pregnancy. I was told that the bleeding was most likely caused because my tissues were irritated since this is my first pregnancy and the cramping I was feeling was probably from my uterus stretching to accommodate the growing babies. My OB just assumed it was caused by having s*x, although I hadn't had s*x anytime close to when the bleeding/cramping started. I'm now 34 weeks with twin girls and everything looks fine!

    Just rest and try to relax!

  4. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. BEEN THERE!!! I had bleeding at 12 weeks and 14weeks with this baby, and at 12 weeks with my first. I am now 24 weeks along and have a 7 year old daughter. Both times they said it was a threatened miscarriage.

       There can be many causes for bleeding. Some are: s*x, (which can take up to 48 hours after before you begin to bleed.) A tiny tear in the placenta, which they should have been able to see in an ultrasound, or the RH factor, which is when you have a - blood type. For Rh Negative blood you should have a shot of rhogam at any sign of trauma.

      Many women have some sort of bleeding in their pregnancy and go on to deliver perfectly happy healthy babies. Try not to worry so much. A healthy baby in the ultrasound and a cervix that is still closed is a good sign. Just stick to what the dr ordered and take it easy. No heavy lifting, stay away from s*x for about a week and just try to relax.

      I hope it all works out.  

  5. hi my friend had this when she was 10 weeks and things were fine and they couldnt tell her why she was bleeding it does happen a lot but it would scare u,it would me,just rest up do as ur told and wait see what ur obgyn says whenu get to see her,hopee all stays ok for u x*x

  6. I had the same thing happen at 9 weeks. They told me it was a possible miscarriage. I came home crying thinking I was going to lose the baby. I did some research and found out it could be caused from the baby "getting cozy" like I guess digging in the uterus alittle more. GL and you'll be in my prayers that everything turns out for the best!

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