
Threatning myself??? help?

by  |  earlier

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Well i just wanted to know if this is healthy or odd or somthing.

This happens like eveyrday and its been happening since, 6th grade or no i dont even remember?

But i would always think to myself, put this over there or do this and that if i dont do it my sister will die or your nephew or who ever i care about.


and i end up doing it.

even for little things, like today i put the remote ont he sofa, and i told my self put it on the tv or your sister will die.

i just...i now notice that this is odd. why do i always think about this?

please dont make fun of me this is series i want to know is this just a weird thing of mine?

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  1. That is very interesting. I'm assuming its not much to be worried over its like a pet peeve OCD style. Different people do different things that are very odd but it's okay try to think of not so harsh things or when you think that do this or else just know in your head that that's not true no ones going to die just because you leave the remote on the sofa. If you are concerned or want to stop I would advise you to get professional help because once something like this starts happening and you get into the habit of doing what your minds telling you it will be very hard to stop doing it. I wish you good luck, God bless you and I hope everything get's better but just think things could be worse just look to the brighter side for everything and eventually you will look back and say "wow I can't believe I used to really think that" and have a nice laugh about it! =]

    Here's some more info on OCD (which sounds like what you are dealing with)

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. OCD is distinguished from other types of anxiety, including the routine tension and stress that appear throughout life. The phrase "obsessive-compulsive" has become part of the English lexicon, and is often used in an informal or caricatured manner to describe someone who is meticulous, perfectionistic, absorbed in a cause, or otherwise fixated on something or someone.[1] Although these signs are often present in OCD, a person who exhibits them does not necessarily have OCD, and may instead have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) or some other condition.

  2. i do this too sometimes too but not all the time and not as bad i usually do things like i'll have a bad day or something ( not death)  .. i think it's weird too but .. Just know you would NEVER actually want anyone you love to die or get hurt in anyway. Its just kinda like mind games or it makes you get stuff done faster . .idk is really weird though .. maybe you can talk to someone professional about it .

    my friend does it too sometimes .. dont worry your not alone .

  3. I used to think this way. It is a minor case of OCD. If I were to walk down a staircase, I would have to touch a part of the wall with the exact middle of my palm and if it didn't feel right in my hand, then I would feel uncomfortable and have to walk back up the stairs and touch it again. Then there was this little voice in my head that said, "If you don't straighten this piece of paper on your desk, then you'll fail your next math test." Then the 'threats' got more serious and I found myself doing these little things because the threats in my head sounded SO real! This voice in your head is probably a subconscious need to help your family or try to protect them. You probably feel like they need protection and you can help them. But this little voice in your head is a false comfort. Start disobeying it, and you will realize that all these threats are not true and nothing bad will happen if you don't follow it. Slowly this little voice in your head will go away. But if you keep feeding it, it will just become stronger and than it will turn into a big problem. OCD is a disorder and if it gets any worse, you won't be able to control it and when your older, you'll probably have to have your doctor try to subscribe medication for you for it to go away. FIGHT IT! It just takes willpower. I never get those voices in my head anymore, and I am grateful.

    Hope this helps.  

  4. Sounds like you might have a form of OCD

    Please get help with should not have to live with these fears.

  5. Ask your family doctor about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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