
Threats at a daycare?

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Hello, very new to this. I been trying to research this on the internet, but have no luck. I have a 6 year old daughter at daycare. Today I got a call that a 8 year old boy in the same class had threatened her. He came up to her and said " I hate you!! I am going to kill you and your mommy!!" Whew, I was very shocked and upset because my daughter was crying and shaking so bad. Parents, you know how I would feel. I talked to the director at the childcare center and she told me there was nothing she could do about it because he had never been in trouble before. I feel trouble is coloring on the wall or throwing a ball in the room. Not threaten a life!! Is there anything I cn do about this?? Or should I just let it go, knowing kids will be kids. I feel this individual should not be in a room with other kids. The director told me he is violent with others physically and socially. So, what should I do?? Any info or guide would be greatly appreciated!!




  1. Your first priority is keeping your daughter safe.

    Don't worry about the daycare's reasoning.  The fact is that they refuse to deal with the situation.

    Remove her from the daycare and find another place for her.

    Be well.

  2. Talk to the little freak's parents ASAP and demand to know what is going on. Document this case again with the daycare and if it happens again, the kid will be kicked out. I would consider moving your daughter if this c**p keeps happening.

  3. I can't figure out how both statements could be true ... that he has never been in trouble before and that he is violent with others physically and socially.

    I would not really be concerned that an 8-year-old would make good on a threat like that (and I wouldn't want an 8-year-old expelled from daycare for one inappropriate statement), but I would be concerned that he might be violent in a lesser way with her and others, and I think you're totally justified to insist that there at the very least be additional supervision when this kid is around. Put your concerns in a written letter (they'll have to take it more seriously because there's then a paper trail that could lead to their liability if something does happen, and say in the letter that you believe your daughter's safety depends on either moving him to a different class or having additional, constant supervision when this kid is around.

    If you continue to feel there's a safety issue, switch daycares.

  4. switch day cares!!!!!!! now!!!!!!!!11

  5. The Director told you there was nothing she 'could' do.....wrong, what she meant to say was there was nothing she be 'willing' to do.....aka - lazy and irresponsible.  

    For now, ignore it and chalk it up to a bad day for your daughter.  IF it ever happens again....DEMAND the Director speak to the boys parents and tell them it is not acceptable in her facility....if that does not happen, look for another daycare center, because she obviously does not care for your child's well being.

  6. talk to his parents and try to talk to the guy himself

  7. that's horrible! i would talk to the childs parents and the director and ask that the two of them be seperated and have the daycare workers talk to the boy about what a terrible thing he's done, and you can talk to your daughter and tell him he's just being mean, and to never say anything of the sort to anyone else.

  8. file a report with the police and switch daycares ASAP

  9. How can the director say he has never been in trouble before but yet at the same time says he is violent with others physically and socially? I would point this out to the director. And regardless if he has been in trouble before he has crossed a line, you do not threaten to kill someone or their family. There is something very wrong with that, kid being a kid or not. I would make it clear to them that you do not want your daughter around that boy, and I also would start looking for another facility just in case. But most of all do not let it go. Kids like that just get away with it and get worse and worse until they are adults with the strength to do real damage.

  10. I think I would feel the same way about this.  My perspective is that since you have addressed this concern with your daycare and they are opting to not do anything about it, I would seek another daycare.  There should be a policy in place for them to follow when these circumstances arise.  Especially given the fact that the daycare has acknowledged having problems with violence from this particular child.  At best, I would think they could at least address it with that child's parents or have him removed from the daycare.  I feel that your daycare is completely in the wrong by not handling this in a proper fashion and I would certainly not allow my child to continue going to this daycare.  Just think of what your child will be having to endure on a daily basis.
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