Hello, very new to this. I been trying to research this on the internet, but have no luck. I have a 6 year old daughter at daycare. Today I got a call that a 8 year old boy in the same class had threatened her. He came up to her and said " I hate you!! I am going to kill you and your mommy!!" Whew, I was very shocked and upset because my daughter was crying and shaking so bad. Parents, you know how I would feel. I talked to the director at the childcare center and she told me there was nothing she could do about it because he had never been in trouble before. I feel trouble is coloring on the wall or throwing a ball in the room. Not threaten a life!! Is there anything I cn do about this?? Or should I just let it go, knowing kids will be kids. I feel this individual should not be in a room with other kids. The director told me he is violent with others physically and socially. So, what should I do?? Any info or guide would be greatly appreciated!!