
Three Banks have already failed in America. What are McCain's views on this?

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I'm sorry ... I checked with FORBES online and NINE Banks have folded and 114 are on the Problem Lender list.




  1. 11 as of today.  You are behind the times.

    McCain doesn't understand the economy.  Nor does Obama however.

    Ron Paul does.

    Interesting.  Until recently, McCain's son sat on the board of the latest bank to fail.

    "Bloomberg News reported that in July, Silver State announced the resignation of Andrew McCain as a director of the bank. McCain, who had served on the audit committee and was a director for five months, is the son of Republican presidential nominee John McCain. A call to the campaign's press line wasn't immediately returned."

  2. His knowledge is too limited in that area. Looks like his wife is doing the banking.

  3. Really I'd like to know too. Bank failures are SCARY stuff. There are thousands on the 'watch list' as well. This is how the great depression started people. Yes, we have the FDIC now but it can't bail every bank out, it has its limitations as well.

  4. Seeing as how McCain has admitted that economics isn't his strong point, I'm guessing "Let me check with my 90,000 advisers first."

  5. It's all in their heads.

  6. we'll never know, he's out to be a celebrity now

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