
Three arguments why milk is bad?

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I am writing a persuasive essay, and I need three arguments why drinking milk is unhealthy for humans. Please provide me with websites, and actual information.





  1. its gross and doesnt taste good :]


  2. 1- hormones given to cows to produce more milk often leeche into the milk and then humans consume thus having negative effects.

    2- we are the only animals that drink another animals milk, and one that continues to drink milk as an adult, unnatural

    3- WE are unable to proccess much of the calcium that is in milk because it is to hard for our stomach to handle

  3. I heard that dairy can cause breast cancer. They give cows hormones and it comes out in their milk, though I don't know if it is because of this that it gives women breast cancer.

    Though if you think of Eastern countries that don't consume lots of dairy, breast cancer rates are a lot lower there.

    I don't feel like looking up sources, sorry.

  4. 1.   Cows milk contains 59 active hormone's,

    2.   A great deal of fat,

    3.   Cholesterol;

    4.   Dioxins;

    5.   Bacteria

    6.   Viruses;

    7.   Radio active elements (specially in powdered milk)

  5. Whole milk - fat intake.

    10% of world's population is lactose intolerant.

  6. 1. The milk that most americans drink is loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones.  The antibiotics build up in our bodies, giving us tolerances to them, so that when we actually get sick the medicine that should help us is less effective.  The growth hormones have been linked to rising cancer and obesity rates.

    2. The cows at dairy farms are treated extremely poorly, often living in inhumane conditions.  Drinking the milk they provide could be considered a way of furthering cruelty.  

    3. Humans are the only animals that continue to drink milk after infancy.  During infancy, a baby has the biggest growth spurt it will have in its entire life.  Animals stop drinking their mother's milk when they reach a certain age because they no longer need to grow as much as they did before.  Because humans continue to drink milk after infancy, they could be contributing to their own later obesity.  

    Don't know how much of this is strictly true, but I have read books that assert that all of the above is factual.  You might want to double check just to be sure.

  7. good luck finding those three things

  8. well I thoroughly disagree with the argument and I believe that milk is very good for you but anyhow even good things have their negatives so to help with your assignment:

    1) full fat milk contains 2.3% saturated fat [it is back on the label of any milk can you buy]. Large quantities of saturated fat [more than 20 gr per day] are a risk-factor for heart disease.

    2) in modern societies we do not know where milk comes from or the health of the animals that produce it. If they are fed hormones or are sick that will pass to the milk with dangerous complications to your health

    Vegans feel quite strongly against milk and give a lot of reasons I find exagerrated but you can check the website and read their arguments for yourself.

  9. Milk is a hugely beneficial food because of its high levels of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are essential for healthy bones and teeth.

    Milk also contains significant levels of protein, something which many woman in the UK are failing to get enough of on a daily basis.

    The main criticisms of milk are centered around its fat content and the fact that a growing number of people have developed a milk intolerance.

    However, neither of these actually suggest that milk is bad for you. A milk allergy, caused when the immune system reacts against the proteins found in milk, is no different from a nut or wheat intolerance. If your body doesn't like it, then don't drink it.

    In terms of the fat levels of milk, yes full cream milk is not recommended if you' re trying to lose weight. However, skimmed milk is moderation will certainly not have an adverse effect on your waist line.

  10. read "Skinny *****".

    they'll give you enough support.

  11. why dont you write a persuasive essay about why milk it good

    alot easier


    or anything from PETA-- they have some disgusting figures and facts that I stopped drinking milk

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