
Three boys in one room?

by  |  earlier

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i have 4 kids 3 boys and a girl. they are always going into each room and destroying it. so i thought i could have the 3 boys 4,6,10 share a room to sleep in only and have the other room for a play room only. i am trying to think of all the pros and cons of this. my older son needs a room of his own, but he too is immature and i am trying to fix the 3 bedrooms being messy for 1. thank you guys for some advise have a great day




  1. That would be great i think because you would only have one messy room instead of two and you could get bunk beds to save some room if it is not too big! IF your oldest son would not clean up after himself then he does not need his own room yet!  

  2. buy a new house

    :p or get A ADD ON

  3. ok, we didn't have a playroom, we played in our own rooms, basement, or living room. if we got it dirty, then we HAD to pick it up, no exceptions, and if we didn't privileges were taken away.  soon your 10 year old will want his own space and he should be mature enough, the 8 year old boy that i babysitt keep his room very nice, he play in it, but ALWAYS picks up, but he might not seem mature enough, cause of the younger brothers, he does something and they destroy it.  if you give him the chance i know that he'll love it and will take care of his space.

  4. I'm 10,and I have a younger sister who is 5 and there are just me my sister and my mom ,my father lives in a different city. We each have our own room because I moved out when I was 8 because we have  day and night personalities,and we argue a lot.I hope this helps

  5. If they can't have to responsibility of having their own room, then why not. Just make sure you aren't punishing all the boys when it's really only 2 of them that are being immature.

    Tell them they can have their own room again once they prove they can handle the responsibility.

  6. The 10 year old needs a room of his own because he will be entering puberty if he hasn't already begun.  Yes your daughter also needs a room of her own.  As far as messy bedrooms, that's a normal thing for kids.  They tend to clean their rooms on their own time frame.  I have found that if I don't hound my girls and just shut the door as I walk by they will clean their rooms more readily.  I have very often knocked on their door only to be surprised by an almost spotless bedroom (BTW we have a "dormitory" style bedroom which is almost double the size of a single bedroom that all three girls share.)

  7. Children do not HAVE to have their own room. Theres nothing wrong with them all sharing a sleeping room. Then having a play room. Look at it this way. If they were grown up and going to college. They would have to have learned how to share a dorm room. No different now then later. They will learn to solve their problems together.

    But keep in mind. You will have to teach them to be organized in both their sleep room and their play room still. The play room will not clean it self.  

  8. what about the girls room? your son truly needs a room of his own no matter how immature he is he is hitting puberty soon so he needs privacy

  9. This is to Fefe. That is the dumbest thing that I have ever heard of!! Your oldest son isn't too immature for his own room. Boys that age need their own space. If you think he is too immature for his own room, tell him that if he wants his own room that he needs to prove to you that he is responsible enough.

  10. fefe- if we follow your reasoning, are all guys who live in dorms g*y?

    I don't see the issue, your oldest isn't old enough to have the responsibility to have his own room, my brother is 9, and it looks like 6 boys live in there.

    Tell them that whom ever shows the responsibility can get their own room.

    and start giving them chores, based on their ages, to help show responsiblilty.


  11. You have a good idea with having them share a room. You could also try making it a rule that they are not allowed to go in each others room without asking, that's what we do - they will learn to respect boundaries then make them straighten up their rooms every day.

  12. theyll turn g*y being around boys all the time

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