
Three day fast with fruit?

by Guest59315  |  earlier

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I want to fast or at least eat only fruit and veggies for like three days. I need tips. I have reflux and IBS. Can I eat nuts on a fast?




  1. if you have acid reflux DO NOT EAT CITRUS FRUITS WOW IT WILL DO DAMaGE  i have acid reflux and if i eat for example a orange wow it is so bad

  2. Don't fast. It is not healthy. You risk destroying your bile, and then you need your gallbladder operated out.

    Look it up. ...It nearly happened to me.  

  3. I would not eat nuts or seeds if you have reflux, they are hard to digest and will cause your stomach to produce more acid to digest them.

    Sitck with the fruits and veg.  

  4. Day 1

    Lemon wedge in water before breakfast

    Bananas, beets, celery sticks, oat bran for breakfast

    Sweet apple for AM snack

    Green salad  with raisins or cranberries for lunch. Pineapple for dessert

    Dates for PM snack

    Salad greens with cucumber for dinner. Papaya for dessert.

    Sweet pepper for evening snack (optional)

    Day 2

    Grapefruit and carrot juice for breakfast

    Watermelon or cantaloupe for AM snack

    Squash, zucchini, onions, garlic, tomatoes for lunch. Papaya for dessert.

    Sweet potato for PM snack

    Green beans, spinach, cauliflower for dinner. Pineapple for dessert.

    Avocado for evening snack (optional)

    Day 3

    Lemon wedge in water before breakfast

    Oat bran with almond milk for breakfast

    Pear for AM snack

    Fresh salad with mandarin oranges and walnuts for lunch. Papaya for dessert

    Bananas for PM snack

    Broccoli, sweet peppers, snap peas, celery for dinner. Pineapple for dessert.

    Almond milk for evening snack (optional)

    You have reflux and IBS because you are not properly digesting your food. You need to take digestive enzymes after meals.

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