
Three days late..? Could I be pregnant, or something else?

by  |  earlier

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My cycle is 31 days, and I am three days late. I usually start at 9am, and I haven't yet. I have had unprotected s*x all month, and I haven't had any changes in diet or exercise. I'm having some cramps and back pain. I'm also experiencing headaches and nausea (usually before bed). Should I take a pregnancy test now or wait another week to see if it does come? Thanks.




  1. get tested

  2. Yep the only way to tell is to test and remember false negative can happen..but false positive is almost unheard of

  3. Yeah I'd say its time to take a test. It may be a little early yet but some tests say they can tell the week before your period like the EPT test. If its negative, try not to think about it too much and try it again next week if you still don't get your period. Make sure to use the first morning pee to get the best results!

    Help me?

  4. if you're already 3 days late then it's fine to test, although I would wait until tomorrow morning and test with first morning urine. Good luck!

  5. I usually get headaches and nausea when I am coming on my period, and perhaps this is the case for you. If you were spotting blood yesterday ,then wait until tomorrow perhaps then get a test or go to your doctors for a free test.

  6. It's fine to go ahead and test now.

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