
Three faced world clock?

by Guest66623  |  earlier

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I want to purchase a three faced world clock for my dad. You know, one that would have a seperate face for different cities for his office. Does anyone know where I can find one of these, I'd like one that I could pick the cities. If you don't know of one of those do you know of a wall clock I could engrave at the bottom w/ a city name and I'd just buy three of them. (not ThingsRemembered)

Thanks all!




  1. What a nice idea for a present.

    I did a Google search for "timezone clocks" and found this

    A bit of time spent looking might give you something similar in the U.S.

  2. go to the nearest store like target, bestbuy, just look online for you local stores and then search it and see if they have it if they do go and get one

    good luck!!

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