
Three identical lamps of resistance 12 ohms are connected to the 12-V automobile battery.What is?

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What is the current in each lamp?

What is the voltage across each lamp?

What is the power dissipated in each lamp?

How does the power dissipated in Lamp C change if Lamp A is unscrewed?

What happens to the power dissipated in Lamp A if Lamp C is unscrewed?




  1. how are they connected, it makes a lot of difference?

    They could be in series, where the current would be the same and voltages would add.

    They could be in parallel where the currents would add and the voltages would be the same.

    They could be in series-parallel where it gets more complicated.


  2. Assumming: three lamps are perfectly equal to 12 ohms at cool and resistance shall not change after it light up ( infact,resistance is higher as it light up ).


    each lamp is 1 ampere.

    12 volts acrosses each lamp.

    12 watts for each lamp.

    No changes for  dissipation for lamp C.

    No changes  for dissipation for lamp A.

  3. Assume i ideal case and assume all the lamp is connected i parallel,

    1) current in each lamp is 1 A.

    2) Voltage across each lamp is 12V

    3)Power dissipated in each lamp is 12W

    4) The power dissipated in lamp c would not change

    5) same as above.

  4. Series connection :

    current in each lamp=0.0277777A

    voltage across each lamp=..3333V

    power dissipated in each lamp=0.00925W

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