
Three most important things for the youth in modern world?

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Three most important things for the youth in modern world?




  1. s*x, drugs and pop music?

  2. 1) An understanding of how historic events relate and affect our lives today. Honor/respect tradition, but not at the expense of logic and morality.

    2) Keep an open mind. Never accept anything at face value - do your research, think, and analyze - then react.

    3) Life does not have to be, or should not be, all about dog-eat-dog competition. So give a **** about the next person.

  3. 1)to tell this world what u think about everything

    2)to be youth

    3)to put ur whole mind,soul & body in any work u determine urself to do.

  4. Have patience with yourself and world around you, make forward progress every day, and honor the elderly.

  5. education!


    rea-life lessons!

  6. 1. Love and good parenting from both parents.

    2. Role models that are positive

    3. A good education in a safe environment

    4. A God or some form of a higher power to believe in

    5. A healthy diet and exercise

    6. New and exciting electronics and phones so they can text their friends over and over and over.

  7. number 1. you have to find out who you are, what makes you happy and what you want to do with your life  number 2. the ability to read through the bullshit that we have to deal with in the media, the government, the market and even the people that we encounter on a daily basis  number 3. looking at the bigger picture, nowadays we are programmed to believe that we are something "special" and that we can do whatever we want which in some cases isn't a bad thing. It gives you motive and drive but it also has the tendency to make you think of only yourself which leads to greed. Honestly I believe that today's youth has a lot of underlying challenges emotionally that most people don't realize. With rising cases of disorders such as depression and anxiety, and also the drastic rise in homicide and suicide it makes one wonder how we can change as a society. My personal belief is we have to many things going on at once, with new technology we keep giving ourselves more things to worry about. If everyone could just take some time to look at what really matters we might be able to get somewhere, until then who knows?

  8. I think you must as well enjoy your youth( im still enjoying mine (14). So the most important things for youth are education, fun and love. I mean, everyone needs to be loved and it's important to enjoy life. =^_^=


    2. friends

    3. money

  10. 1. Education. I cannot stress this enough. Every time I read "like totaly, cn u hlp me wit dis ppl? Plsssss.... thx! LoL XD" I want to gouge my own eyes out and beat a door to door Encyclopedia salesman to death.

    2. Health and Exericse. I don't know about everyone else, but obesity is killing America. It's disgusting that our biggest problem is fat. Other people don't have clean water and we can't stop shovelling cheeseburgers into our cavernous maws. We have f*cking Fat Power and Fat Appreciation and End Fat Discrimination suits.... it's ri-god-d**n-diculous. A handful of people have a hormonal imbalance or overactive/inactive glands... the rest are just proof of Darwin's survival of the fittest model and drop dead of a thunderclap coronary/heart disease, cancer and diabetes at a younger age than necessary-- and oh, incidentally, Americans wind up paying for it because health insurance is OUTRAGEOUS... Why, you ask? Because of all the obesity-related illnesses destroying our country!!

    3. Finally, awareness of the "other." People in this world are truly suffering. (Not of a cheesefries OD and the satellite cutting out in the middle of The OC.) So if folks could put down their iPhones for a minute and check out the travesties in Africa....

  11. Tangible things I say--

    1)  a mobile phone

    2) Food (mcdonalds kidding)

    3) clothes (no brands necessary

    Abstract things, I say

    1) Family

    2) Friends

    3) Check out Abraham Maslows

  12. say no to any drug.. alcohol , cigarettes, and soft and hard drugs. I hve seen too many lives ruined,,, investigate the outcome of this yourself.... visit the jails, and detox centers. why use this stuff, when you can wake up every morning to a beautiful day, and enjoy the very good things in life, choose good people to communicate with,,, and have a little faith,,,, God is out there, whether in God or higher being,,,,

  13. 1.assume responsibillity

    always do what you have to do

    2.find your own gift follow your own goals

    find your specialty,mean what is the best aspect for you and pass it with hard work. Always have dreams because dreams make you feel alive

    3.don't escape, adapt!

    everybody has problems, never run from the problem.

    Face it!

    "The success person is somebody who can receive many changes" (it's made by me,hehe)

    can we be a friend?

    if yes, do you have any ym or msn?

    if yes, add me at or

    in this week(before tuesday), my sister have a task from her teacher to chat with friends from the other countries.

    i hope you can help,

    thank you ;)

    (i'm from indonesia)

  14. Pornography, promiscuity and marijuana

  15. Good genes, an ipod and Clearasil.

  16. Education, education, education!!!!  With the degradation of all that has held true for prior generation, i.e., morals, responsibility,  accountability, respect for those that hold authority as well as the lack of job security in the industries that empowered this nation in the 2oth century youth have few other options.  Children need to realize that anything worth having in life should come from themselves and not handed out by someone or something else.  Children need to learn how to think and make the right choice in a world that is dominated by electronics that prohibit free thinking.  Children need role models and positive attention to continue the drive to learn to think for themselves and thus survive in the tough times ahead.

  17. keep your mind, body and soul together, be smart and wise, prove your core competency, be positive

  18. irony, creative solution and discover, music.

  19. Education , It's technically up to this generation of youth to determine how our planet will turn out. They need to be educated about wildlife and the conservation of endangered species, including our own.

    Morals, The youth needs to learn from the previous generations mistakes, and how not to make them again in the future.

    Inner-self potential, Too many young people are being influenced by things that certain personal role models may or may not do. Drugs, selling out your body, murder, abuse and other crimes are effecting the modern youth. Young people need t find their inner potentials, and be taught by trusted adults how to pursue what they're good at.

    other important ones are happiness, creativity, and RESPECT over all for other people and the environment.

  20. Social recongnition, peer admiration/respect, s*x and money.

  21. Imagination has got to be one of them. The other two don't matter to me.

  22. music, guidance, God

  23. Have a goal in life,, stay out of trouble and dont be led too easily...

  24. 1)  Learn how to think through a problem yourself - whether a school problem, a social problem, an ethics problem. what to do if you can't get to a good resolution.

    2) learn to take responsibility for your actions and decisions but not for anyone else.

    3)  Read

    "How to get control of your time and your life."

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