
Three people from my church are going to Ukrane(sp?)?

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okay well my pastor and this one other guy who i am crazy in love with and another girl are going to ukrane i think, somewhere in russia. and i am really worried about them, especally the boy who is going because i love him a lot and have not told him. is russia really dangerous??




  1. Thanx bro,i'm ukrainian,but ultro-pro-russian and its very good to see that not all people already know that country which born from air and built by Russia still locates some where in south-west of Russia,you made me good mood)))...Okraina of Russia not dangere,but if your are sectant as babtists some radical orthodox christians can bash you,good luck in Ukraine,Kiev Forever!!!

  2. My sister-in-law went to the Ukraine and it wasn't all that bad. It's sad becuase of the ammount of poverty there, but she never felt like she could be in danger. She's been in much worse places for missionaries.

  3. not as dangerous as church.

  4. 1) Ukraine is not in Russia.

    2) Generally, it's not dangerous. The usual traveler precautions are still applicable, though.

    3) The only danger is that he'll fall in love with one of the beautiful locals.

    4) Please tell your crazy religious people to stop passing out literature in airports.

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