
Three question on cats?

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1) How can I stop my cat's fur falling off? I know you or they can't help it but is there a way how I could reduce it?

2) Apart from getting a cat neutered how can I stop my cats from spraying around the house?

3) My cat is neutered so I don't know what it smells like, but does the spray that cat's spray smell bad?

I heard it smells.

Sorry for my bad English. It is not my first language.




  1. 1) your cat has a flea allergy.and needs vet treatment, he doesn't have to have fleas to be allergic to them but once bitten it sets off an itch which till treated with inflammatory injections    will make your cat over groom.

    2)Spay/neuter is all ways the 1st course of treatment. unless its down to neighbour cats bulling,

    3)Tom cats smell is very overpowering .It smells like very strong bleach.

  2. 1) Brush him rather than simply waiting for him to shed. There is a special brush called a Furminator that is excellent.

    2) Once they're neutered they should stop spraying; it will also help to use vinegar/water to get rid of the smell so they're not tempted to spray there again.

    3) Yes it smells awful!

  3. 1. urm.. i think they need more fatty acids to stop there fur from falling out.. i think! im not sure of this completely though! but i am sure that it is something in there diet that can help it to stop falling out.

    2. Cats HATE the small of anything citrus ( lemon, orange ..) so what i do to stop my cat from spraying is rub lemon juice on the floor ( the corner where he sprays) or sometimes i buy just that lemon juice put it in a bottle and spray it all round where i think he goes. it does work trust me!

    3. i dont think it smells once they have been neutered. sometimes a cat cant even spray anything! but if it does im pretty sure it doesnt smell - my cats doesnt anyway!

    hope i helped! XO

  4. 1.  i really don't know 2. You have to get him neutered or he will continue to spray 3. Yes is does smell very bad  

  5. brush your cat every day-it stops them shedding all over the house as much. neutered cats can still spray but it doesn't smell as strong as an un-neutered cat-is yours spraying in the house?

  6. 1) Brush its fur more often and possibly change its diet

    2) I'm not really sure on this one..

    3) Yes! It smells very bad

  7. 1)  You should brush them.  This will help cut down on hairballs.  They always shed real bad in the summer.  

    2)  Don't let them in the house.  No other way!  My neutered cat used to act as if it was spraying, but I never saw or smelled anything.  

    3)  Yes, he might as well be urinating all over the place.  

    Your English is great.

  8. Its ok about your English, and maybe you can get a sheding medicine for your cat. Also I have a cat, and the same thing happened to her, so it might work on your cat.

  9. 1)You should comb your cat each day or once a week and you should also try some sprays to reduce that stuff from coming out. Try the stuff at PetCo Animal Store.

    2) I think you can get a spray to stop them from spraying. But you may have to spray it all around your house.

    3. Cat urine smells terrible. Its smells like ammonia.

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