
Three quick questions about Greenpeace?

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What presidential candidates has Greenpeace endorsed?

What presidential candidates has Greenpeace donated money to? How much?

What legislation has it supported and opposed in recent years?

If you can answer any of the above, it would much appreciated.

(This is for a school project btw)

Thanx everybody!




  1. Q's 1 & 2:

    These are easy questions to answer as they dont :)

    'Greenpeace does not solicit or accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties.'

    Greenpeace is completely indipendant from government and will neither give nor recieve money to/from govenment as this would compromise them, supporting a presidential candidate would be out of the question.

    Q3: You should be abel to find all the information you want about the campains greenpeace has run from there website, this is the international site, it has worldwide links:

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