
Three reasons why silicon is the chemical element of microprocessor?

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Three reasons why silicon is the chemical element of microprocessor?




  1. The reason is that it is the cheapest material to use for integrated circuits. This is largely because of its processability, specifically compatibility with the production processes used.

    It is a semiconductor with adequate performance.

    It is relatively inexpensive to grow large single crystals. The crystals are relatively perfect, leading to small numbers of defects in the IC's. This is critical for yield.

    Compatible with several dopants, of both n-type and p-type.

    It easily forms a tight insulating oxide. The oxide can be easily removed with certain acids. These make photolithography feasible.

    It is compatible with and bonds metallurgically with an appropriate metal (Al) for interconnects.

    It has adequate strength to readily bond wires ultrasonically or thermosonically to metal pads, unlike GaAs.

    It can be used in polysilicon interconnects.

    Adequate properties to minimize chipping when dicing (cutting wafers into individual dies).

    Relatively inert material not seriously attacked by most chemicals.

  2. It is a semiconductor, as are geranium and arsenic. this means that current flows via electrons and holes, and junctions can be created to make devices that can control the current flow.

    Of the 3 possibilities, it is the least toxic and most readily available. Sand is mostly silicon.

    The industry started out using geranium, but it has problems with temperature, it does not operate above 100C whereas silicon will operate to 300C.

  3. 1 it is semiconductor (can change its resistance according to voltage applied)

    2 changes its resistance with twmprature

    3 it is easy to obtain then other with excellent charcterstics

  4. 1)  Has the chemical composition that will bond best with protective oxide layers.

    2)  Able to function at a wider range of temperatures.

    3)  Doping can be changed very easily to change the type of the silicon, whether p-doped or n-doped (this is very important for designing circuits and getting the proper function.)

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