
Three sets of twins. Is it a sign?

by  |  earlier

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I was shopping with my mom the other day and the wierdest thing happend. I was leaving the shoe store with my mom and there was identical twins(boys). Walking down the sidewalk I saw another set of twins identical they were toddlers(girls and very cute). I didn't say anything to my mom but i was thinking this pretty odd. Then when we got to our car we helped a lady because her hands were full and she was dropping stuff everywhere. Well she had twins too! Infants a boy and girl! This was wierd to me. What are the chances of seeing that many sets of twins in ten minutes. We talked about this on the way home my mom suggested it could be a omen or sign of something that is going to happen. Im really curious about it so if anyone knows what it means tell me please. Oh yeah we live in a small populated area it made it even more odd. Twins do run in my family on my moms side my grandpa is a twin. Some other people to it skips a generation from what it seems. I pretty sure im not pregnant!!!




  1. Probably nothing. Twin and multiple births are happening more and more often. I usually see 3 sets of twins a day. I have two, and my best friend who comes er often has twins. lol. just kidding. It could be nothing, or it could be something. I have had weird days like that, too. =)


  2. well, for me to go a day with out seeing 2 or 3 sets of twins, would be wierd. it's becomeing more and more comon, twins/ multipule births. If you live in a populated area, it could be pretty comon.

    Tho it could still be a sign, no reason to think its not.

  3. I don't really think anything of it, like when I went shopping yesterday and last tuesday there were heaps of pregnant women and I mean heaps, it seemed like every 3rd woman was pregnant and I said to my mum "Geez theres heaps of pregnant people" and she was just like "Dont drink the water" lol. If your not pregnant don't worry about it

  4. & I am answering your question & I have twins !! lol.

    Not sure if it is a sign or not but frateral twins are the "skip a generation" ones. Identicals are a "fluke"

    Twins are becoming more & more commen as well as higher multiple births too. I seem to see them everywhere but I was thinking that it was just becasue now that I have them I notcie them more..... maybe since/if you are wanting twins you seem to be more sesitive to seeing them around you.

    Twins are great fun though so if you get them you will be doubly blessed !!

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