
Three skin problems on a kitten at a same time. Help...?

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My brother's kitten has ringworm on her tail, some fleas around her neck, and a little scabies on the tips of her ears. It's a sad condition, even though he's sure that he already did what a cat owner must do to keep his cat in good condition.

It's just, the kitten seems healthy. She can't stop running and playing with every stuff she finds. But is she really healthy? I mean, she does look healthy from the outside.

My bro's also not sure which problems should be taken care of first. Or can they be handled at the same time? What medication will you suggest to take care of those skin problems?





  1. My first question would be how these conditions were diagnosed?  I would suggest that the scabby areas on her ears are probably ringworm patches, and that the tail is an uncommon place to find ringworm.   Ringworm is best handled with both an anti-fungal cream for the lesions, and frequent baths with an anti-fungal shampoo (available from the vet) to remove the spores from her fur.  Otherwise she'll keep reinfecting herself until her immune system kicks in and the ringworm goes away on its own.  

    For the fleas, how old is the kitten?  The flea treatments like Advantage and Frontline will easily take care of the fleas, but kittens need to be 8 weeks old for those.  And if she's got fleas, chances are she's got tapeworm, too.  That's not a healthy situation for her, but that truly needs a vet to diagnose and treat - those over the counter worming meds you get from the pet store will NOT kill tapeworm.  

    She may look healthy, but that's really for a vet to determine.  Looking healthy from the outside doesn't show parasites, the condition of her heart and lungs, and so on.  She really needs to go in to the vet with a stool sample so she can be properly wormed, then safely flea treated, and have her ringworm properly medicated.  

  2. for the scabs and fleas. the scabs are probably caused by a flea allergy so get her on some good quaility flea control like revolution. for the ringworm you can try some antifungal cream that can be purchased at cvs rite aid etc.  

  3. ringworm because it is contagous to humans who touch the cat.

    do all at the same time... and here is more info on fleas.

    good luck on this...


    I have a NATURAL remedy for getting rid of fleas in your house.

    Go to the Store and buy some 20 Mule Team BORAX.

    Then sprinkle it all over. Carpets, couch, bedding, pillows, pet beds, car, even wood floors. (NOT ON YOUR PET!)


    What Boax does is coats the eggs ... The eggs hatch deformed or unable to reproduce.

    You will have to do this 2 or 3x about a week apart in order to get all the egg cycles.

    FOR YOUR PET. Use the flea killer that is on the market or use a flea comb (this is also a head lice comb) especially for kittens or puppys who are too young to have insecticide put on them.

    Kill the fleas that you find on the comb with soap or alcohol

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