
Three things to help the enviorment stay green?

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Three things to help the enviorment stay green?




  1. There are TONS of things you can do to help the enviroment.

    the 3 main things are,

    1) use public transportation or walk or ride a bike as often as you can or when going  short distances! the major air pollutant is car emmisions.

    2)take quick showers! earth doesnt get anymore water than what it already has.

    3)RECYCLE!!!! recycle in general, like alluminum cans, and reuse things like walmart sacks to carry things.

    ****** also, buy things in bulk! instead of buying all those single-serving dorito bags, buy one family sized bag and immensly reduce the amount of trash you create which eventually ends up in the enviroment.

  2. recycle  recycle recycle

  3. Use green paint, Buy and wear only emerald jewelry, Celebrate St. Patrick's day for a month instead of a day- or you can go the traditional route change all your light bulbs to fluorescent, Turn your heat down to 60 when you go to bed and carpool  Marylou Hornak

  4. recycle, plant a tree, ride the bus, subway, bike, monorail, and sky way insted of driving a car.

  5. Use half a sheet of toilet paper. Your butt may be brown but the "enviorment" will be green!!

  6. 1) Buy less - most items are thrown away within 6 months - only buy what you will keep and will last.

    2) Recycle everything you can, even clothing, computers, etc.

    3) Compost - food thrown away releases methane which in turn contributes to green house gases.

    It is actually easier than you think and will become a habit.

  7. Eat less, drive less walk more, recycle....

    Less is Less :)

  8. 1. Don't eat meat or use anything made from an animal!

    2. Walk and ride a bike (healthy too)

    3. Solar or wind power as much of your life as possible!

  9. Use public transportation or walk when you can (though that may be hard for these fat Americans).

    Switch to energy efficient light bulbs so that you don't use as much energy.

    Reduce the amount of stuff you use -- so that you have to recylcle less and less stuff ends up in landfills.

  10. Turn the lights off after you leave a room...everytime

    dont drink bottled water

    collect rain water for other uses.

  11. Okay now, we'll start you off small.  Here are three baby-steps that all in all will come to about $25.00 investmant (although you'll end up saving more in the long run,) and maybe a half-hour or so.  In other words, very minor commitment.  

    Now everyone was saying recycle, and that's all well and good.  I recycle A LOT, less than two garbage bags a week for a family of five, a cat and a dog.  It does make a difference.  I have also been homeless, lived in apartments, lived in a truck, lived in a hotel, etc.  It is easy to recycle if you are living in a suburban or urban area with curbside recycling, or within easily accessible distance to a recycling center, but some places, you honestly can't do it on a practical basis.  That's why it's not on my list.  My three you can do basically wherever you are, excepting homeless or living in a car (but if that's the case there really are slightly more pressing issues right now aren't there.)

    1)  Change three lights from incandescents to CFLs.  This can be done anywhere with lightbulbs.  You will probably want to increase the number of CFLs after a while, but three seems a good number to make for a noticable start.  Pick the three lights (not fully enclosed) that you use the most.

    2)  Drive a little less.  Stop by the store on your way home from work, or walk up there when you get a chance.  Look around you.  There may well be things in walking distance you never noticed before.  It gives you an excuse to try that new pizza place/bar/deli/what-have-you right down the street.  Good for the environment and the local economy.

    3)  Get a low flow showerhead.  There are good ones to be had for as little as ten dollars.  Look around.  You might want to look for reviews if it is a cheap one though, as there are also c**p ones out there to be had for ten dollars.  This conserves energy, conserves water, and like the other two will help to reduce your bills so that you can start to save up to make larger differences.

  12. not consume to much water


    reuse things


  13. Recycle your paper and plastic

    Don't litter

    Change the light bulbs in your house from incandescent to flourescent

  14. 1. use flourescent lights

    2. Turn off lights when you arn't using them

    3. take the bus, ride a bike, get a ride with a friend, etc... anything to get a car off the street. The more cars on the street the worse for the environment.

    please after answering this question answer mine!;...

  15. Have fun, plant more corn and paint your house green!!!!

  16. Use environmentally friendly products

    Combine your trips so you use less fuel

    Unplug VCR, DVD, computer, etc when not being used. Some of these "sleep" but are still using electricity.

  17. its called "Going Green"  Get Energy Star or Energy Saver items for your home and cars.. its expensive now but you gain it back in energy costs..

  18. Green paint

    Green food coloring

    Green dye

  19. Plant lots of fast growing trees and plants(thus making more oxygen quickly)  Bamboo is good.

    Reduce your own carbon footprint by keeping the house cooler, changing to CF light bulbs and washing your clothes in cold water.  Take shorter showers OR if not shorter try not every single day.  And of course drive less and carpool or use mass transit more.

    Recycle and Join a Freecycle group  (can be found in Yahoo groups)  Give more to goodwill like places and send less to the landfills.  Buy recycled items and reduce packaging when possible.

  20. Don't waste electricity (the average household pumps out something like 300 pounds of greenhouse gases every year...gas doesn't weigh a lot, so you KNOW that's a lot), don't use meaningless plastic--e.g., a straw...can't you just lift the cup to your mouth. Isn't it worth burning a calorie to do because straws are grade 7 (non-recyclable) plastic, which means they're just plain trash. Plastic does not biodegrade, and lastly, pick up litter on Earth Day and plant a tree on Arbor Day. If everyone observed these "holidays" we'd be in much better shape.

  21. Eat, sleep and enjoy.

  22. recycle

    use paper bags, plastic is worse cuz you can recycle paper

    at christmas, get a real tree

    turn out lights when your not in the room

    un plug things your not using

    send text messages instead of emails if at all possible

    ima total green freak >.< send me a message if you want more tips

  23. well we find a different way of transpertation

    we build our house out of green safe material to conservie energy

    and are clothes can be recylceable instead throughing out we can throw them into our soil and it become part of our land

  24. water


    no polution


  25. Electric cars, which the oil companies have been fighting for years. Use funding now used for War to reverse the effects of global warming, which the president will not allow, for he is using the military to secure the last of the oil on the planet. And grow algae to make bio-diesel based on solar power plants and grow lights and the research from the Carter administration, which Regan put a stop to... You have no idea how large a can of worms you are trying to open here, but I respect you for it!

    If you are truly serious then E-mail me, and I'll share some of the research from the book I'm working on.

  26. reduce reuse and recyle hahahhaa

  27. recylce,ride bike, turn lights off

  28. do community service itll help alot! if you dont want to do that plant some plants, want your grass. Clean your road. Keep the invirment clean.

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