
Three types of homeschoolers...?

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Do you agree that there are three types of homeschoolers?

1) The type that you can't tell are homeschooled because they dress stylish and have social lives.

2) The type that are "homeschooled" but use it as an excuse to not do school.

3) The type that are really smart, pale and socially awkward. They don't get out much and if you see them in public, you know they are homeschooled.

I don't mean this to be offensive to anyone(I was homeschooled so I know). I was just wondering what other people thought because this has been my observation over the years. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed.




  1. Since you are homeschooled, that is even more of a reason that you should not generalize about  other homeschoolers  No, I have not noticed, especially the "pale" ones, because most of the ones in our homeschool support group are African American.

  2. I think there are alot more than 3 types of homeschoolers.  Just like there are more than 3 types of public schoolers.


  3. Nope, don't agree at all.  What you've got there aren't even sweeping generalisations, they're more like limited stereotypes that might at a push match some HS kids to a limited degree.

  4. Way to go!  As if there aren't enough stereotypes about it, you feel the need to offer more.  A person could easily apply that type of biased classification system to any people group, not just homeschoolers.  Would you say that regularly schooled kids should be classified into several groups? Perhaps we could even label them as popular, geek, nerd, loser, stylish, brain, rich and poor.  I have three kids that I homeschool.  None of your descriptions apply to any of them.  Here are some words that DO apply to them:  intelligent, interested, confident, compassionate, polite, inquisitive, happy, well settled, curious, excited, healthy, friendly, busy and active.

  5. No, I do not agree. People have no clue my kids are home schooled unless they are told. I have seen incredibly "smart, pale and socially awkward" public schooled kids as well. One of them was a great friend of mine in school and now is a Doctor with 3 children of her own plus a really great and nice looking husband.

    I am sorry but stereotyping on any level is so childish and closeminded.

  6. There are approximately 1.5 to 2 million homeschoolers in the United States.  Therefore there are approximately 1.5 to 2 million types of homeschoolers.

    Please do not paint people with a broad brush.

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