
Three weeks of negative OPK tests??

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I've been using an ovulation predictor kit every day since August 11th and I haven't gotten a positive reading yet. My last period started August 6th.

*** Some back story --- I had surgery in February to remove a fibroid from my uterus that my doctor said was about the size of a cantaloupe. Everything went well and I healed fine. At the end of July I had an HSG x-ray done. My tubes are open and there seemed to be little to no scarring on my uterus from my surgery.

I used an online ovulation calendar which said my fertile days would be between August 18th - 28th (my boyfriend and I have been having s*x every other day since the 16th).

I don't understand why I haven't gotten a positive reading from the OPK tests. Is it possible that I get my period every 29 - 30 days, but don't actually ovulate?




  1. well the truth is everyone is different and just because we are told we ovulate 12-14 days after the first day of your period isnt always true. some women ovulate early, some late. i used the OPK and one month i didnt ovulate till the 19th 20th and 21st day after my the first day of my period. then the next month it was the 12th-15th. then you always have the odd balls who actually ovulate while on their periods. thats why some women can get pregnant while menstrating. and too, sometimes some women have months where they dont ovulate at all. just give it some time and test yourself next month as well. you may be just running late or maybe it already passed. or may you arent ovulating every month. best of luck to you!!!

  2. Unfortunately, our bodies don't necessarily release an egg every month...I know it sucks that we can't depend on our bodies to be reliable!

    I went for three months (after I stopped using BC's) without ever getting those stupid Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation tests to give me a d**n smiley face!  I got my first smiley face and was so excited that my husband thought it was a positive pregnancy test:)  

    Keep testing...and have faith that you'll see a positive result next month!

  3. I don't get a positive unless I test twice a day.  However, I prefer charting temps and CM since it seems to be more accurate for me.  When I do get a +, my temps and CM also verify that I did indeed O

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