
Three year age gap....between a boy and a that pretty good?

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Three year age gap....between a boy and a that pretty good?




  1. It seems like a pretty good age gap to me. My two girls are a year apart and I always say I am thankful that they are both girls...though now that they are getting older it is a little more difficult with them both being moody girls LOL. But I am glad they are not one of each that close in age. Then my next is a boy and he is three years younger than my second. And my baby is a boy and he is three years younger than his brother.

    Three years seems to be a good age gap!

  2. Yep, just about right :-) - between 3-5 is perfect I think.  

    5 or more years sometimes can mean they'll be a little more distant as they get older, whereas less than the 3 yr mark may mean more jealousy / competition, arguing etc.

    Good luck!

  3. They're a 3.5yr difference between my younger two, who are a boy and girl.  I think it's a good age gap and they get along pretty well. (Remember though that age difference doesn't garentee a certain relationship status) At first, he was very jealous of the her. Going from the baby of the family to now one of the big brothers was hard for him. Now he adores her! He's able to help some with the baby and is very potective of her. He LOVES sitting down and playing with her, showing her how to do certain things like his older brothers did with him. He does have moments though where he gets annoyed her because she "won't listen" or took a toy that is especially his. lol

    Best Wishes =] and congrats!

  4. I liked it! We have three and a half years between our eldest and it is much easier than the smaller gap.

    They are good friends.

    But it can be the personality that really clinches it.

  5. what...

  6. My wife and I have a 8 year gap between us. And we have been married 45 years .Yup thats ok

    "Talk to each other every day and you will never become strangers"

  7. If were talking dating- yes thats good, my mum and dad are 4 years apart.

    if were talking having children- i have a daughter who is one in november and im due in march, my kids will be 16 months apart.

    3 years is about avrage. theres 4 years between me and one of my siblings.

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