
Throat hurts to swallow... Do I have strep?

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my throat hurt for the past 3 days or so and I went to the doctor and she said I didn't have strep. After I went home my throat hurt even more and now it isbreally painful to swallow and it hurts to cough. When I swallow it feels like there's some thick sore itchy rock in my throat or something. Nothing seems to work I've taken cough and cold medicine which seems to make my throat burn even more and things like cough drops don't do a thingfor me. It is impossible for me to sleep because of the pain when I swallow. Is it possible to not have strep one minute and then have strep like4 or 5 hours later? When I was at the doctor she said I had nothing that needed antibiotics. So shouldn't go back to the doctor again even though she said nothing was wrong? And if this isn't anything like strep then what he heck is it because my throat is killing me.




  1. may be ,

  2. did ur dr. test u for strep? if not go back to ur dr and or go to another dr and get tested for both strep and mono.

  3. the same happened to me a while ago it turned out to be glandular fever which can be dangerous.definately go back to your doctors as soon as possible.

  4. Well

    When I had strep it lasted like 3 months and eventually had to have my tonsils out because I became immune to the antibiotics.

    It was really painful. and my airway was becoming blocked, hurt like h**l, felt really lethargic the whole time.

    If you got a throat culture I doubt they would tell you the same day if you have strep or not. took like 5 days for them to call me...So yeah. Maybe try a different doctor.

  5. I've had that feeling and my mom said that I had a sore throat virus and eventually in a week I came down with a cold.

    But if it's searing that much, you might want to see her again and tell her in details what you have, it could be something else.

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