
Throat problem help?

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right i have this thing where sometimes i cant swallow is this anxiety because i did choke a bit ago and i might have anxiety i went to the doctors and they said nothings wrong is it just me thinking about it?




  1. The disease Anxiety is the inability to calm yourself under a stressful situation.  Worrying about something when there is nothing wrong is not Anxiety, it is a mentality that sometimes causes you to tighten your muscles.  This can make it difficult to swallow food and may cause you to choke, which probably scares you more and makes you worry more.  

    I believe you may want to give more specific details because if you are not worried about something then you may have a spastic disease that is making your muscles convulse and tighten.

    The last thing you need to do is consume a slushy and gravy (Where did that come from?) as the sugar can make you overly energetic and thus more prone to overreact, and salt raises your blood pressure making it difficult for you to relax.

    That brings me to my bottom line: relax.  When you start feeling tense and begin to choke up take a slow, deep breath in through your nose making sure to push your stomach out first then your chest, hold it for about three seconds and then release it slowly through your mouth.  It may even help to say the word "relax" as you exhale.  Do this five or six times and I think you will notice that you are calming down very quickly.

    Hope that helps, please put more details and I may have more ideas.

  2. Yes! It's natural after nearly choking though!

    Try not to think about it and eat slushy food with lots of gravy/sauces on it till you get your confidence back.

    You will win in the end ;))

  3. It does sound like an anxiety related thing.   Find something else to worry about to take your mind off it.
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