
Throat punch injury?

by Guest58738  |  earlier

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I was hit in the throat last Friday. At the time, I could barely talk and couldn't swallow. After the next day I could swallow fine with no pain (food and drink), however, 5 days later and I still have a raspy voice. Everything else is fine, just the voice. It gets slightly better each day, but not much better.

Is this something that I need to be concerned about still, or is this a time issue? I would like to avoid a doctor is possible, but will see one if it is totally necessary.




  1. put ice on your throat but u may have to see a doctor did u get into a fight if so did u win the fight

  2. Go see a doctor. What's more important, your health or saving a few dollars?

  3. I would suggest you not talk as much as possible and treat this the same way you would if you had lost your voice due to sickness.

    You should get checked out anyway just to be on the safe side as having trauma to your viocebox could ruin your ability to talk for the rest of your life.

  4. you'll be fine

    I had this happen a few years back and I could barely breathe for the first few minutes had trouble swallowing the first few days.

    it took me a few months before I stopped feeling my throat when I swallowed, but as with most things on the body it heals.

  5. you should see the doctor. Your voice box maybe damage.
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