
Throbbing pain in tooth what can this be from? please answer?

by  |  earlier

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ok im 16 years old male, and i have a very sensitive tooth and in come of my other teeth they feel like they are throbbing i dont know what it could be should i use a different tooth paste cause i use colgate total right now, but what do you think this pain and sensitivety is caused from ?




  1. Do you have a visible cavity in this tooth where the pain started?  Is there any swelling on the gums around the area that hurts?  It sounds like you may have an absessed tooth.  You will have to take antibiotics before any kind of treatment.  They will make you feel better.  One absessed tooth can make all the teeth around that particular tooth hurt and can even cause your jaw to swell up.  That's what happened to me.  I had to take antibiotics and I want to give you some advice if you have to take them.  Make sure you eat plenty of food before taking them because they made me really sick.  And there is nothing worse than puking while you already have a toothache.  Hope you feel better soon I know a toothache can be miserable.

  2. Have you been to the dentist lately?

    If not,you might wanna go.  It could be a number of things,one possibility is that you are getting wisdom teeth in,it's common around your age.

    they can make your teeth hurt,and be sensitive....and a long list of other problems.

    The best advice I can give to you is go make an appointment with the dentist,they can give you the exact problem and a solution for it.  

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