
Through the eyes of innocence--Opinions?

by  |  earlier

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-Even a blue rose can be touched by innocence-

Still working on it-but mostly done


A rose tinted innocence

Projected through sapphire eyes

Splashing its colors

Into my grey horizon

Dimpled hands

Delicate digits

Untouched by insecurities

Its surface electrified

Sparking my numbed nerves

Your cherubic trunks

Bruised by adventure

Not held down by fear

An awkward walk

Tripped up by youth

As grown shoulders slump

From childhood taunts

Everything seems beautiful

Through your windows

Shoe impressed gum

Discarded paper

Upon cobblestone

Rainbow swirled bubbles

That eventually burst

Don’t let the malevolent shadows

Cast over you sweet child

Don’t be like me

Filled with sadness

Keep your magic

Even when others wish

To expose the illusion

You share my smile

Don’t mirror in my fragility

Don’t drag those

Shoe tanned feet

Rise above darkness

Rise above me

Just leave your light on

It makes the blackness

A little less menacing




  1. It is a bit confusing.

  2. WOW, that is an amzing piece of poetry. I love it. It is elusive and cant be explained yet you can understand it really well. For every individual who reads it, it will have a different meaning. Are you going to get this published?

    I write a bit of poetry myself but this tops all of my work put together.

    Well done.

    Keep at it.

    P.S. if you happen to come up with any more poems, could you please email them to me at :

  3. it sort of give a feeling of not giving-up and not letting anybody put you down/discouraged and a sense of growing.

    you know becoming mature.

  4. Oh, what elegance in your metaphors and colorful, vivid pictures.  

    I love so many of the lines:

    Rainbow swirled bubbles  <--- stunning

    Don’t let the malevolent shadows <-- so tender

    Cast over you sweet child  <-- for teaching your child

    Don’t be like me   <-- or new lover.

    Filled with sadness

    Keep your magic

    The de'noument takes a celestial trip:

    Rise above darkness

    Rise above me

    Just leave your light on

    It makes the blackness

    A little less menacing.

    Outstanding poetry! Keep writing.


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