
Throughout history man has waged war on others of a different faith and or religion. Why does it matter?

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Why does it matter what someone believes or what name they have for their Creator if any? Why do some consider that a threat against what they themselves believe?




  1. Someone has to be wrong and someone has to be right. they all can't be right. If you honestly believe you have the right faith and it gives you hope and purpose wouldn't you want everyone have it. Man has to chose for himself.and by the grace of God. I believe in the bible so it is my desire for all people to believe in Jesus because He gives hope and love and purpose. and a eternal home. It is out of love for mankind that i want this. If you really believe what you believe and it gives hope wouldn't you want everyone to believe too. I don't wage war. but i think it is my responsibility to share it would be selfish not to.  

  2. Individual religions are myths about the nature of the Creator.

    Since we're dealing with what happens to us after we die, they become very important myths.

    The existence of a different myth implies that our myth may be wrong.

    Wipe out the other myth and we feel better because we can go back to our blissful ignorance.

    Hence the intense conversion attempts and wars ( which are an attempt to convert by the sword)

  3. Man has always been foolish. I have other descriptions that I should not write here.

    Each of us is entirely alone and we must make our own path Godward.

    What others think is not your business. They are on  their own paths.

  4. you are what you believe.

    if your religion is wrong then you need to to see the light; you need to change. it is my responsibility to change you

    however if my religion is wrong then i am totally screwed.

    i would rather you die than me be wrong, even if in fact i am.

    note: i think the farther from the truth that a religion is the more this will apply, even to the point where the 'i' would rather be dead than wrong.


  5. Lots of people don't think so, but more wars have been fought for land and natural resources than anything else. LONG before structured religion came about mankind was fighting to survive.

    As for those wars fought because of religion - seems to me there will always be people disagreeing with each other. Makes me wonder why so many don't believe something like the AntiChrist won't happen. I think something like that would make perfect sense.  

  6. Because they always put the letter of the law above the spirit of the law...turns out Jesus was spot on about that one...

  7. They feel threatened, inadequate, cranky, hungry, dopey, sneezey...

    The "believers" will always give you the same d**n reason, though:  It's "what their god wants".

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