
Throughout the tears in f1 there have been some really terrible drivers. which one...?

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would you consider a favorite of yours?




  1. Alan McNish would be one of my favourite terribles.

    But he was very articulate and has a stunningly technical awareness. I could see him as a future technical team boss.

    Or failing that as part of the BBcs commentary team.

    Where is everybody today I'm feeling very lonely?

  2. That Japanese guy who caused so many accidents that the FIA told him to leave F1. I believe it was Yuji Ide. If it's not thim then it's Sakon Yamamoto. Apart frm that I can't really think of anyone else

  3. One that could be remembered was Michael Andretti. Although he had a respectable surname, he was always crashing and qualifying in the mid to back field while Senna could still mix among the top positions, and immediately after he left McLaren (they didn't even wait to the end of the season) Mika Hakkinen replaced him and qualified in the second row beside Senna.

  4. I have to say my favourite for being soooo bad is Ricardo 'TosseR' Rosset... just for his spectacular rubbishness in whatever car he was in.... more money than talent.... the last of the 'classic' pay drivers, who used their families money to get through racing (Diniz was another)....nowadays these modern pay drivers have sponsors to get them through... but Rosset was truly awful... 1998 and Monaco in particular in the Tyrrell was the worst... but also remember he was 2 seconds slower than Sospiri in the awful awful Lola at Melbourne 97... 2 secs slower in a car that was already 11 secs off the pace!!! thats bad...

    EDIT: what is it about Japanese drivers?? Ide, Takagi, Yamamoto, and then remember Aguri Suzuki losing control of his car on the straight??? lol and both Nakajimas, and Sato... they've all been liabilities over the years....

  5. Favorite terrible driver? I guess it would be  Alex Yoong, he wasn't good enough for F1 but he did a bit of commentary for star sports last year and he was the only guest commentator who did not keep stuttering or make any biased comments about any team or driver.  He should quit A1 and speedcar to be a full time commentator.

  6. Johnny Dumfries, he had the opportunity to get a top team with a very poor results, there are a lot of drivers with a insignificant results however since there were in a very bad teams we have no elements to judge them

  7. Favourite? Toranosuke Takagi he tried his best to get rid of as many Tyrrell chassis as he could, not the worst driver ever but the only one that made me laugh ( excluding Rosset).

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