
Throwing a bomb surprise Sweet Sixteen?

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My really close friend is turning sixteen and me and my best friend are throwing her a surprise party. It's going to be "Electric Feel" theme, which isn't really a theme but we thought it was a great idea.

We're going to have it at our friend's house on a farm with a huge backyard since her parents are cool with it and we're inviting like 30-40 kids. It'll be at night like 6 to 12 but girls are spending the night.

We need ideas for food and decorations and what-not, and just basically stuff to do.

Not opposed to drugs/alcohol but would like to do other things to.

For decorations so far we're string thousands of little white christmas lights around her backyard and fabric from her trees and tons of trippy things (see video for more ideas.)

So, any suggestions?




  1. What you have already thought of sounds really great. You should have her name hanging up in big colorful letters and blow up big pictures of her.

  2. You can draw lightnings on any food to make it "electric" by using catsup or frosting or whatever. You can make little cookies shaped like lightning bolts, maybe.

  3. Definately get a DJ.Local  so people can dance.(DJs are usually cheap, look in the yellow pages)

    Have a camp fire to cook hot dogs and marshmellows.

    Have tents for those spending the night. (everyone doing drugs and drnking should be spending the night)

    Get one of those projectors screens that flash trippy designs on a screen. You can usually find these for rent at a Party Rental place.

    Go to . They have trippy blinky lights, glow cups, glow sticks, glow necklaces. They also have cool hats and weid but fun party stuff.

    Sounds like fun! I wanna go!

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