
Throwing a "geek" birthday party?

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I am throwing a birthday party for hubby, his 40th. The theme is nerds and geeks and I was hoping for suggestions on decorations, party games, cake decoration (I've already made one a few years ago shaped like a monitor and keyboard).

Thanks in advance for any help!




  1. have you guests wear flood jeans and button up shirts with pocket protectors and hold a contest fir th geekiest dressed person and give the a calculator and a how to be cool for dummies book as a prize then have the neediest laugh contest and give the winner a pocket protector and a whole bunch of pens, have a nerd dance with lots of disco and sock hope music and the worst dancer gets a pair of broken glaces that you re-put together with a band-aid

  2. The other answers our good plus play "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al in the background.

  3. Pocket protectors with his name on them as utensil holders - then the souvenir for the guests.


    check in your neighborhood to see if there is a computer recycler and get odd parts to use as vases for table display. They may also have old software and you can use it to "test" peoples knowledge - have a competition like a baby shower game - stack them up and see who can name the most and give bonus points for people who actually know the programs.

    As guests arrive place a tag on their back with the name of a Sci-fi character then see who can guess the name the fastest.

    Have Fun!

  4. Make a cake that looks like a pocket protector filled with pens. As for party games you could do a spin on Jepordy.

  5. I don't know how much you want to get into, but you can find old computer monitors anywhere for cheap. Then you can turn them into fish tanks OR a punch bowl. I think serving nerds punch out of a monitor would be hilarious.

    As for a cake, what about a circuit board? I've also seen cakes with code written on the tops, and they're pretty hilarious because its an inside joke to anyone who understands it.

    If there's going to be anything involved that will have labels on it (say, beer) re-label the bottles/cans. You can get stickers to print on super cheap at staples and such.

    Is he of the star trek nerd variety? Those are always fun...

    I do like the theme of an old school nintendo set up, as long as your husband is into that.

    My boyfriends a total nerd, but its all ham radio directed for the most part so I'm at a loss for computer nerds =/

  6. decorate with old school nintendo... have an old school nintendo contest... punchout, metroid.... i have a 'geek' boyfriend and for his birthday I (im an artist) painted him as mario saving me (princess peach) but I used every style of mario games from 8 bit to super paper mario... he loved it.

  7. you could make the cake like pair of glasses.

  8. have like math contests. lol..

    that would be funny!

  9. You could do a "Revenge of the Nerds" party and have everyone dress as a Lamda Lamda Lamda or a Alpha Beta.  For games you could have a big wheel race and the other games they did in the movie.  I like cupcakes and always try and find some way to incorporate them into my parties...maybe you could make cupcakes with the numbers 3.14159 (each with their own number as far as you wanted) and have a game where you have to put the cupcakes in order and the winner gets the "3." cupcake or other prize?

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