
Throwing out lip gloss?!?

by  |  earlier

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kay well i have like a lip gloss set, its like a compact. i dont know how to say it. but um ive had it since i was in grade 6, and im going into grade 9. so i was just wondering should i throw it out? has it gone bad?i love it tho cuz you open it and theres like a mirror, and its pretty big.

and theres about 10 glosses i think. theres 2 that are fading. they had like sparkles and they're like kinda going away. idk. sounds weird but yea




  1. that must have sooo much bacteria on it, could you pop out the lipgloss and put other makeup in it or something

  2. if the lip gloss smells strange or harsh throw them away asap! but if it smells normal and the colors are still looking good keep them or throw away the lip gloss and keep the box put new makeup in it.

    hope I helped!


  3. Since it is three years old, you should probably update the lipgloss because it might not work well anymore and you've had it a long time it's okay to upgrade haha. Since they are fading that is probably a sign to get new stuff. You should probably replace lipgloss after 2 years max in the future. :)

  4. What a cute makeup set!  The glosses are way too old to work well anymore, so I would just be thankful that you got to own such a great lip gloss compact and throw it away.  Put this on your Christmas list so you can get another one.  All the major cosmetics companies put out lip gloss compacts for the holidays.

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