
Throwing up from being Homesick?

by Guest60901  |  earlier

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i left for school last thursday and i have done nothign but feel sick and throw up ..i know everyone gets homesick but i feel like im the only one throwing it common to throw up from being homesick? im very close with my family and friends and this is my first time being away from them soo




  1. I went away to camp, and boy Was I in for a ride awking but I felt to sick like I was going to throw up and was heaving a few times although i didnt throw up i had to go #2 and aleast 2wice a day! So I know how you feel!

  2. We don't call that homesick...We refer to that as bullemia. Perhaps you should consider becoming anorexic so you won't hav eto worry about throwiwng up!

  3. its probably due to the anxiety of being away from home for the first time. when i first went on a school trip to france, i couldn't eat because i felt so sick all the time from being away from home. you will get used to it, it just takes some people longer than others to adjust. when you start to feel sick, just try and concentrate on breathing and get some fresh air which should hopefully make you feel better.

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