
Throwing up in the morning? depression?

by  |  earlier

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ive ben throwing up about every morning around 8am or so..

like i feel like im going to throw up and it just all yah ok yall get it.

and ive eating alot.. and stuff.. its really weird.

all my friends say i am depressed and they think im going to commit suicide any minute.. but i dont feel really depressed i just feel like i dont deserve living i guess you could say

okay well i know thats a weird story but does anyone have any advice?

just IM me or what ever thankk youu

btw im 16




  1. Anxiety can cause these symptoms. Why not see a doctor?

  2. Yeah depression and throwing up aren't generally related.

  3. depression has nothing to do with throwing up , i dont think so anyway  

  4. morning sickness. any way you could have gotten preggy?

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