
Thrush treatment, how many??

by  |  earlier

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I have had two treatments for thrush and neither have worked, do i need to go back to the doctors? Also i remember when i first went to the about it she said that after so many treatments they would do tests to see why it is not going away, does anyone know how many treatments are needed??




  1. Typically it only takes one...but it can take up to 10 full days to resolve all symptoms.

    The one-time treatment also depends on whether or not it's actually yeast (as opposed to BV or something more sinister) and whether or not the yeast is resistant to the vaginal creams you're using.

    Ask your doctor for a prescription of Diflucan; it's a one-dose pill that will kick most yeast infections VERY quickly, and if you don't have resolution after that then you should be tested for other infectious options.

  2. It just might be trichomoniasis and not thrush.

  3. I once had a severe case, so they gave me stronger treatment. It took 2 weeks but it went away eventually. Maybe your immune system is low?

    You can also re-infect yourself from your partner everytime you have s*x if he doesn't get treated as well. He might not show symptoms but he will give the infection back to you.

    Hope this helped! xx

  4. It doesn't go away - it is always there just sometimes it goes mad & starts exiting your gut (where it normally lives) and causing problems.  In small doses the fungus that causes thrush is useful.

    Many things can cause this - one of the main being a diet high in sugars.

    Diabetics are particularly prone to it as their blood sugar is not as easy to control as non-diabetics.

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