
Thumb or Pacifier?????

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What is your opinion on these two and why you are for/against




  1. my baby doesnt care for either.

    but if she did, a thumb by far.  

  2. pacifiers r good they keep my son busy and when is a lil older i can take them away.

    thumbs r not. in some cases they go through they re whole lifes doing it. my cousin is 18 and still does it.

  3. Definately pacifier ... it can be taken away when needed and a thumb can't ... :-)

  4. i think pacifier bacause you can take it away at a certain age and they will fuss for e few days and then forget they ever had it. the thumb they could suck forever

  5. I prefer the pacifier

  6. I would definitely stick with a pacifier, since you don't know where kids are sticking their thumbs!

  7. pacifier. they can always ge taken away

  8. Our baby girl uses a dummy (pacifier)

    we chose this as it was easier to take away.

    We have a nephew who uses his thumv, he is three and his teeth are starting to splay,

    So we don't want that for our girl, and we can't afford all the dental work!!

  9. Well..... my oldest took a pacifier. I remember thinking of how I really did not want my child to be 4 years old walking around with a pacifier in her mouth. So I took it away on her 3rd birthday. Well, after several hours of her screaming I turned to her & told her to just stick her thumb in her mouth. (SHAME ON ME!!!!) At age 6 we had to get an appliance put in her mouth just to get her to stop sucking her thumb!!! that child ALWAYS had her thumb in her mouth. She would get blisters from sucking on it so much. Still, to this day she will tell people that it's my fault that she sucked her thumb because I'm the one that told her to do it!!! LOL

    So, in the long run...... I say that the paci's are a better option. Just as long as you don't encourage the child to suck their thumb instead!!!  

  10. I like thumb because they can always find it and in the middle of the night that makes it easier.

    I like pacifiers because it's easier to put into the baby's mouth than convincing them to use their thumb, you can make sure they're clean, and you can take them away at a certain age (short of painting the thumbnail with something disgusting... you can't do that with thumbs).

  11. The consof pacifiers:

    Of course, pacifiers have pitfalls as well. Consider the drawbacks:

    Early pacifier use may interfere with breast-feeding. Sucking on a breast is different from sucking on a pacifier or bottle. Some babies have trouble learning how to nurse properly if they're given a pacifier too soon.

    Your baby may become dependent on the pacifier. If your baby uses a pacifier to sleep, you may face frequent middle-of-the-night crying spells when the pacifier falls out of your baby's mouth.

    Pacifier use may increase the risk of middle ear infections. However, rates of middle ear infections are generally lowest from birth to age 6 months — when the risk of SIDS is the highest and your baby may be most interested in a pacifier.

    Prolonged pacifier use may lead to dental problems. Normal pacifier use during the first few years of life doesn't cause long-term dental problems. If your child continues to use a pacifier persistently, however, his or her top front teeth may slant out or the upper and lower jaws may be misaligned.

    Cons of Thumbsucking

    Constant sucking may be difficult to break.

    Damage may be done to permanent teeth when they begin to come in.

    "Buck" teeth could be formed - protruding upper teeth.

    Teeth may be pushed towards the tongue.

    Children may develop high roof of the mouth.

    Children may develop a lisp.

    It could interfere with a child's social skills.

    Child may not learn other ways to cope with stress

  12. pacifier.. only because you can take it away to break them you can take away a thumb. both of my girls have used and use a pacifier. i think the trick is to get rid of it at an early age like around 1. I personally love  

  13. pacifiers are wonderful because yes they can be taken away.  It is hard to get a baby to suck his own thumb on their own.  A pacifier is great especially at night and it is so much better than a bottle.
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