It's time to play thumbs up,thumbs down WWE & TNA Superstars & Diva's edition. I'm going to ask 8 questions about WWE & TNA Superstars & Diva's,and in order to get a vote just answer them all. And as always to vote for me Star for thumbs up DO NOT star for thumbs down.
1.Favorite WWE Supertstar? Mine The Undertaker.
2.Favorite WWE Diva? Mine Beth Pheonix.
3.Favorite TNA Superstar(Original not Former WWE,ECW,or WCW based)? Mine A.J. Styles
4.Favorite TNA Knockout(Original non WWE,ECW,or WCW based)?Mine Awsome Kong
5.Most hated WWE Superstar?Mine Triple H
6.Most hated WWE Diva? Mine Michelle McCool
7.Most hated TNA Superstar? Mine none really,but if i had to chose it's Jimmy Rave i don't exactly hate the guy he just doesn't seem to have that much in-ring charisma to please a fan like me.Maybe if TNA were to give him a singles push,then i'd probably think differently,but until then he's my pick,and again i like EVERY TNA Superstar it's just if i had to chose it'd be Rave cause he kind of bores me.
8.Most hate TNA Knockout? Mine none so far. Not even a if i had to chose pick.
So what about you guys & girls?