
Thumbs Up?

by  |  earlier

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Do you ever give thumbs up on Yahoo! Answers (or other rateable websites) just to spread a little good cheer? I'm thinking of adopting it as one a new "random act of kindness".




  1. Yep - if i see that the thumbs down trolls have visited, i'll be the thumbs up fairy!!! makes me smile anyway :0)

    Like just now (altho no thumbs down yet, just being friendly!!!)

  2. rarely, sometimes i just forget.

  3. Nah, I only give thumbs up if I agree with the answer or if the answer makes me laugh.  ESPECIALLY if the answers make me laugh.

  4. They have to make me laugh to get a thumb up theirs.

    Otherwise, it's like giving out star stickers to first graders. Everyone gets one. Boring.

  5. Yep! : - )

  6. yes

  7. No.

  8. Sometimes.But keep the happiness going.We know the world needs it.

  9. Yes, I do. All my contacts get a star and a thumbs up from me....because I'm so d**n kind.

  10. Well! i honestly gave many thumps up but i doubt if anyone gave even one to my answer.


    Anyway it gives a sense of contentment So go ahead.

  11. Yep :)

    Give my fair share of thumbs down too.

  12. good idea and here is a star for your act.....

  13. Yes, I give thumbs up when there is a good legitimate question. So many of them are just junk. It is okay to have some silly questions occassionally. However, I like the serious ones where you feel like you may be able to help someone.

    I like to give thumbs up for good questions. But, it like the rating when the asker feels obligated to give every one 5 stars for the best answer. Not all of the warrant five stars but I am guilty of giving everyone five stars

    I am going to start taking this more seriously and give according to how I feel the questions warrants its merits.

    I rarely get thumbs up but most of the time I get 5 stars.or a star for my questions. But, I am giving you a star becasue this was a good question. Best Wishes and keep on asking good questions because I do more answering the asking. Trying to build up points!

  14. Always for good answers

  15. I can't even give thumbs up on Level 1, but when I can your plan sounds good. Nice to spread a bit of cheer when you can!

  16. Yes...especially if it's funny.

  17. Only if I agree with the answer or at least respect the thought put into it.
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