Is it not the case that as you become familiar with Avatars and their comments that regardless of what they say you will give Thumbs down/thumbs up on principal? I have read comments that actually are so bland they don't say anything and yet it will have a bunch of thumbs down. Later, I will see the same contributor saying something controversial and they will have exactly the same amount of thumbs. I am only talking about the environmental section here (50% environ and 50% mental it seems to me)
So, for example, if a well known pro AGW believer suddenly said that global warming was caused by Al gore as an excuse to take over the country and that it was nothing more than a scam, and anyway it was snowing outside so where is the global warming theory now? I bet that all the deniers would give a thumbs down before they had even read or understood what was being said. And before you all go off the deep end....Take a deep breath, in with the good air....aaahhhhh